8:Comforting Embrace

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Everyone's eyes were glued to Lucy. It took Lucifer a few moments until he managed to drag his intense stare away from her figure.

"Well I can see why this one is your favourite. It's the best outfit you've shown today, in my opinion."

His soft gaze turned into a glare as his focus drifted towards Asmodeus.

"What was the intention behind this fashion show, Asmo?"

Asmodeus held his hands up defensively.

"Nothing, nothing I swear!" Asmo flashed Lucifer an anxious smile and attempted to avoid his deathly glare.

Lucy stretched and yawned loudly "Well I'm tired so can all of you like...leave..?"

Lucifer laughed lightly as the rest of the brothers nodded and made their way to their own rooms.

"Yes, the human needs their beauty sleep. We wouldn't want her precious skin to become damaged..." he paused waiting for the his brothers to be out of ear shot before continuing.

"It looks like your plan worked, ma chèrie"

Asmodeus made his way to the door, blowing a kiss towards Lucy, as he gracefully closed the door behind him.

Lucy let out a much needed sigh of relief the moment she heard the door shut.

"Gosh, that took a lot out of me."

Lucy dryly chuckled as she headed towards the closet. She picked out a pair of pyjama shorts and a tank top to sleep in before swiftly getting changed.

Lucy yawned once more and climbed into bed. Only now did she realise how worn out she'd become. Pulling the duvet over her head, she curled up and almost instantaneously dozed off, being swept into not nearly pleasant dreams.


Gasping for air, Lucy shot up, clutching onto her top like her life depended on it. Ringing surrounded her as tears trickled down her face. Lucy placed a hand on her head, hoping to ease the throbbing pain somehow, she then placed her head in her hands trying to erase the memory of her dream. Nothing seemed to be working, if anything it was all worsening.

Hesitantly, Lucy left the cosy yet suffocating embrace of her bed and stumbled across the room to the door. Clumsily grasping on the door handle, she opened it to peer out into the corridor, checking if any lights were on. Thankfully there weren't . Lucy tiptoed out of her room, leaving the door open to create as little noise as possible and made her way to the kitchen.

"All i need to do is grab some water.." Lucy's stomach roared angrily practically screaming 'bitch feed me'. "...and some sort of snack and then run back. Shouldn't be too hard, right?"

Chewing on her bottom lip, Lucy stood in the doorway of the kitchen. Gasping slightly, her eyes widened at the sight in front of her. There, head in the fridge devouring almost every crumb, was Beelzebub. Hearing her gasp, Beel jumped, hitting his head on the top of the fridge in the process. He turned around to see, stood in the doorway, a puffy wide eyed girl who was covering her mouth with her hand. Beel tilted his head like a confused puppy.

"What are you doing here so late?" He eyed the girl suspiciously but had a hint of concern laced in the tone of his voice.

Lucy gulped, trying to come up with sort of an excuse before sighing in defeat.

"I had a nightmare so i came down to get a drink and some food to take my mind off it. I'll just leave though, sorry for bothering you."

Lucy turned to leave but Beelzebub blocked her way

"Wha- how did hell did yo-?"

Lucy was abruptly cut off as Beel engulfed her into a hug. Beel knew all too well of the pain nightmares could cause so he wanted to try and help somehow. Lucy froze up, surprised that a demon was trying to comfort her. Reluctantly she hugged back, nuzzling her head into his chest. Then, without any warning, Lucy burst into tears. Beel stood there in shock not knowing what to do as the small girl sobbed into his chest.

"This might last awhile"

He thought for a moment before lifting her up as he sat down on one of the kitchen chairs. He draped her legs over his as he wrapped an arm loosely around her waist. Lucy tried to pull away in embarrassment.

"Sshh it's okay, let it all out" Beel whispered softly.

Lucy relaxed as she hid her head in the crook of his neck. Beelzebub ran is hands through Lucy's hair in an attempt to help calm her. Luckily, it did. Lucy leaned into his touch causing Beel to smile.

After what seemed like hours, Lucy managed to stop crying. She took a deep breath as she looked up at Beel, who was staring directly back at her. Lucy squeaked, blush spreading across her face, hiding it once again into his neck. Beel let out a deep chuckle, not helping Lucy's blush at all.

Beelzebub's smile didn't last for long though, he loosened his grip on Lucy and moved her face to look at his. Lucy fiddled with her fingers avoiding his gaze.

"Im sorry for that. I got your shirt wet and I...I.."

Lucy's voice trailed off as she began to panic again. Beel frowned.

"It's okay" he placed his hand on her cheek to try and comfort her.

"If i may, can i ask what your nightmare was about?"

Lucy let out a shaky breath, thinking for a second and then nodded. Beelzebub gave her a reassuring smile and removed his hand from her cheek. Lucy pouted. Seeing Lucy pout, Beel smirked taking this as an opportunity to tease her.

"Is there something wrong, princess?" He poked her cheek. Lucy's face went bright red, simular to a strawberry, as she heard the nickname.

Beelzebub chuckled and intertwined his fingers with Lucy's. His thumb lightly caressing the back of her hand.

"Take your time telling me, I'll be hear to listen as soon as you're ready to talk."

Lucy closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as she did so. Beel squeezed her hand gently to try and ease her mind. She opened her eyes, refusing to look into Beel's as she tried to piece together how to explain the nightmare to him. Lucy looked down at their intertwined hands and began to talk.

"I've had this same nightmare for as long as I can remember, sometimes there are subtle differences but it always starts the same. Just me, alone in a dimly lit room. But im never alone for long."

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