4:Meet The Family

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Throughout the house all that could be heard was blissful silence. Lucy was currently soundly dreaming, which was quite unusual for her but I guess she did have an eventful time the day before. However, she was awoken from her peaceful sleep to hear what sounded like a war right outside of her room. This caused Lucy to jump so hard that she fell violently out of the delightful comfort of the bed. She groaned and rubbed her eyes. She felt a sharp pain in her leg. "That's going to leave a bruise" she whined, wincing as she lightly tapped it.

To say Lucy wasn't a morning person would be a massive understatement. Whoever had woken her up was in for it. She stood up, growled and then stomped towards the source of the noise. Slamming open the door, her eyes were met by two extremely angry yet confused demons. They looked at Lucy then at eachother before collectively screaming.

The two demons were none other than Mammon, the one who's meant to be taking care of her though he doesn't know that yet, and Leviathan than who is a massive otaku. But all Lucy knew/cared about at this exact moment was the fact they woke her up and now she felt the need to disintegrate them. Lucy's eyes stared into their non existent souls, her attention was first drawn towards Mammon.

This particular demon has bright white messy hair and bluey golden eyes. He was currently wearing gold stud earings and two silver rings on his pinky and ring finger of his left hand. His finger nails are painted white, probably to match his hair. Mammon had on a pair of yellow tinted glasses on with a black t-shirt, blue jeans including a belt and was completed with his black boots and brown and white jacket. Lucys gaze slowly moved towards Levi who at this moment in time had a slight murderous aura surrounding him.

His purple hair was sideswept and sloped towards the left. His eyes are orange and he's pale as fuck, that's no surprise though since he's always stuck inside. Levi has a pair of headphones placed upon his shoulders and is wearing a long jacket that is mostly black but had white sleeves and 3 pins on the left hand side. His shirt was simular but just has a stripe of blue. The jogging bottoms were black with orange strings and stripes down the side and the outfit was completed with some orange but mostly black trainers. Simular the Mammon, Leviathan had nail polish on but his happened to be blue.

Lucy glared at them both "What in the hell do you think you're doing this early? How dare you wake me up from my slumber! You son of a bi-" She was, luckily, cut off by Lucifer, who lets just say, definitely did not look happy.

"MAMMMONNN, what are you up to this time?" He slowly made his way towards his shaking younger brother.

"I- uhh n-nothin' Lucifer, we were just messin' around, right Levi?"

Just before Levi could reply Lucy crept towards Lucifer and put her hands on his shoulders with an intense grip and expression on her face, note she is still half asleep at this point.

"Lucifer, I swear on all that is holy, if you don't shut these dimwits up i will shove them up where the sun don't shine"

Lucy smirked but you could see in her eyes that she wasn't joking. Then turning around, she walked into her room shut the door and began getting ready for the day.

Leviathan, Mammon and Lucifer stood in silence for a good 20 seconds looking at eachother trying to figure out what just happened and what to say. Lucifer, thankfully, broke the exhausting silence.

"Breakfast is almost ready so I'd suggest you come down quickly before Beel devours it all. Don't worry, I'll explain everything once everyone is seated at the table"

I don't know if it was because they didn't want Beel eating all their food or that they wanted an explanation but both of them raced down the stairs leaving Lucifer standing outside of Lucy's door. He thought for a second before making is way down to the dining area.

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