We have more in common than we thought

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I changed a few things in part one so read that part again before you read this one. (If u want to)

Toni's POV
Today I arrived here, it sucks here! I'm laying in bed, crying. I think I woke Cheryl up, cause she asked me if I was okay. I told her I wasn't and she got out of bed and sat next to me, rubbing my back. I was holding a family pic of: me, my mom and my brother. "You can talk to me Toni. What's wrong?"
"I-I just mis my Mother, it's nothing." I said wiping the tears off my face.
"It's not nothing. Maybe you can call her, that could make you feel better."
"C-Cheryl she's dead, she died from cancer." I said as I start crying even harder.
"Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to." She said feeling guilty.
"I-it's okay." I said.
"I know how it feels to lose someone close to you." She said holding back tears.
"Can I ask what happend?"
"Yes you can." She took a deep breath.
"H-he was murdered b-by my own f-father." She said and started crying.
"Omg I'm so sorry." I said I'm shock.
"I-it's okay." Now we we're both crying together.
We fell asleep in each other's arms. The next morning we woke up still holding each other. Her embrace felt so good. I woke her up because we had school today.
"Cheryl wake up." I whispered.
"Ugh school." She said.
She went to the bathroom to take a shower, and I got dressed up. Cheryl came out of the shower, and my jaw dropped to the floor. She only had a towel wrapped around her.
"Can you be gentle and look away for a sec." She asked. She dropped the towel and I just needed to take a peek, so I did. My eyes couldn't believe it! She was beautiful! I turned back and waited.
"Girls! Breakfast is ready! Antonio said.
I dressed up really fast and ran down stairs.
I wore a hoodie, ripped jeans, a beanie and Vans. I had my skateboard in my hand. I rolled up my sleeves, and everyone looked at me shocked.
"What!? Why is everyone starring at me?" I said annoyed.
"Is that a tattoo!?" My dad asked.
"Yes it is! So what!?"
"Since when are u a serpent??" He asked.
"Since I'm 14, why?"
"I don't want you to be in a gang."
"Well screw you! I do I, you do you!" I said.
We finished our breakfast, and I ran upstairs to grab my jacket.
"Antoinette Topaz! You're not wearing a serpent jacket to school!" Dad said angrily.
"What do you wanna do now!? Exactly! Nothing!" I said.
Cheryl and I walked out of the door. I couldn't stop starring at Cheryl, she wore a tight short red dress with some cute heels.
"We can go with my car to school?" She offered.
"Nah, I'll go on my skateboard." I said.
"Okay, see ya at school!"
"See ya!"
I arrived at school, I was too late so when I walked into class everyone was starring at me.
I saw them whispering about me, but I didn't care. I took a seat next to Cheryl, and greeted her.
Class was over, and I walked out off the door. As soon as I step out of the classroom I hear a guy yell: "Dyke!" At me. I got mad and walked over to him. I stood in front of him, and he said: "So what are you gonna do now? Serpent slut!" I grabbed his shirt and hit his face with my fist. He hit me at my nose and I started bleeding but I didn't care.
Cheryls POV
I saw Toni walking up to them, and hit him with her fist. He hit her back and Toni started bleeding. She didn't show any sign of pain like any other girl would. She hit him again, but this time with her knee in his private part. He felt on the ground, and everyone laughed at him. Mr Weatherbea came out of his office and said: "Miss Topaz! Come here right now!" After 15 minutes she came out, and started laughing.
"What an idiot she said."
I grabbed her wrist, and took her to the girls locker room.
"Toni, you can't do that." I said.
"Why not?" She asked.
"They called me a dyke!"
"I know okay, but next time come to me please."
"Fine" She said.
"What's on your mind Topaz?"
"Nothing" She lied.
"You're lying."
"No I'm not!"
"Yes you are."
"Okay fine! You win." She said.
"Talk to me."
"Well I just miss my brother. He's my hero, he always helped me with even the most stupid things. One time I was in trouble cause someone blackmailed me. I had to deliver drugs for him, and my brother helped me get out of trouble." She said.
"I miss my brother too." I said.
"It was our birthday and I wanted to throw a party, but he suggested to do it together. Later I found out he wanted that, because no one wanted to come to my party. He protected me."
I said.
"Your brother sounds amazing!" She said.
"He was, I wish you would've met him." I said crying.
"It's okay, I'm here for you." She said. She hugged me, and placed my head on her shoulder.
School was over and we went home. Toni dropped her skateboard in the back of my car, and we drove off.
"We have a lot more in common than I thought." Toni said.
"I guess so too."

My insta: riverdale._.choniaus

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