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Toni on the phone with Archie*
"Hey Archie! We wanted to ask if you want to help with the baby room, you know painting, building." Toni asked Archie.
"Of course Toni. What time?"
"Hmmm 10:00 am?"
"Of course I'll be there. I'll call Jughead to maybe he likes to help to, so you girls can go out shopping you know?" He suggested.
"Thanks Arch. I'll make sure you guys have some food."
"Thanks! See you soon!"
"Babe, where are the tools!?" Toni yelled from upstairs.
"I'm the drawer I guess."
Toni walked downstairs. She wore a denim jumpsuit with a short top underneath, and some nice sneakers.
"You look so hot in that outfit." Cheryl smirked.
"Oh?" Toni said walking closer to Cheryl. Toni promised herself not to do anything with her, because she wants to be careful now that she's pregnant. Cheryl hated not having sex for so long, and Toni liked teasing her. Toni kissed Cheryl with passion. The kiss got hotter and Toni took off her shirt, so did Cheryl. Toni loved Cheryls bump, she thought it was cute.
"Please Toni, just one time!" Cheryl begged.
"Nope" Toni smirked.
"C'mon at least do something."
"Okay, only because it's you."
Toni took off Cheryls bra and started sucking, leaving hickeys all over her body. She placed her knee between Cheryls legs, against her spot teasing her. Toni gave one more kiss and then walked away like nothing happened.
"Ugh!" Cheryl moaned.
"Stop doing that!" She said annoyed.
Toni laughed and blew a kiss at her.
"I hate you." Cheryl said trying not to laugh.
10:00 am*
"Hey Archie!" Toni said.
"Hey Toni!"
They walked into the living room.
"You want coffee Arch?" Cheryl asked.
"Yes please."
"Baby, let me do it." Toni said pushing Cheryl back on the couch.
"Babe, I'm pregnant not diseased." Cheryl said raising her eyebrow.
"Still" Toni said.
"How do you drink your coffee Arch?" Toni asked.
"That's racist." Toni joked.
"Here" She said handing him his coffee.
Ding dong*
"Jughead, Betty, Veronica friends come in."
They all sat down in the living room talking.
"So the plan is..... we girls me and you two are going shopping for some decorations, toys or whatever you want. It can be for the babyroom or for yourself." Cheryl explained.
"We also need to pick up some stuff at Ikea."
"Yay! I love baby shopping." Betty said.
"Me to!" Veronica said.
"Oh and I'm going to help you boys, with painting and everything." Toni said.
"Okay, let's do this!" Archie said giving Jughead and Toni an high-five.
"Let's go girls!" I said exited.
We got in the car and drove to the mall.
"Okay where to first?" I asked.
"Let's just walk around and see where we end up." Veronica suggested.
"Great idea V." Betty said.
We walked around and saw this store called baby boom and went in.
"Omg!" I heard V say.
She walked up to me with a really cute fluffy rug.
"Omg we need that in the babyroom!" I said exited. We put it in the cart and continued.
We grabbed a few other things like: fake plants, picture frames for on the wall, cute plushes and some more things. We looked around for a bit and I spotted a huge teddy bear.
"Ima buy this one for Toni." I said lifting it.
The girls giggled and we payed for everything.
"Let's drop this off at the car." I suggested.
"Ya lets do that." Betty said.
We walked back into the mall.
"We need a card for the teddy bear." I said walking over to the hobby store.
I got my card and we continued.

Toni's POV
Me and the boys were working on the babyroom. The painting was done so we were putting the babybed and drawers together.
"Can I have the screwdriver?" Jughead asked.
"Of course." I said handing it too him.
"I really enjoy doing this with you guys." I said.
"Me to." Archie said.
"Are you guys hungry? If you want we can order some pops." I suggested.
"Toni, I'm always hungry." Jughead chuckled.
We laughed and got in the car.
"Hey Pop!" I said politely.
"Hey Toni, hey boys!" He greeted us.
"Congratulations Toni. I'm really sorry I missed the baby reveal party. Food is on the house today." He apologized.
"No problem Pop, thank you so much. By the way we're having a boy!" I said exited.
"Oh how wonderful!" He said.
"What do you guys want?" He asked.
"3 burgers and.....  a chocolate milkshake, an iced coffee and an strawberry milkshake please."
"On its way!" Pop said.
We got our food and went back.
We continued putting everything together. The room was finished and it looked beautiful! I'm so exited for her to see it. We did the finishing touches by hanging up some pictures of me and Cheryl. The room was so cute. On the wall next to the bed were pictures of me and Cheryl, the drawer was next to the door, in the corner was a rocking chair with a leather blanket hanging over it, we had a few bookshelves, a mirror and a box where we can put all the toys in. We sat on the couch waiting for Cheryl, Veronica and Betty to arrive. After 30 minutes the door opened. "Hey baby" I said pecking her lips.
"Where are the others?" Jughead asked.
"Follow me" Cheryl said with a smile.
We walked out of the door and there was Betty and Veronica with a huge teddy bear.
"For you" she said.
There was a small card on it and it said: For my 'little' babygirl. I laughed a bit and hugged Cheryl tightly, but not to tight😉 I lifted the bear and dragged it to the living room.
"Babe, follow me." I said dragging her upstairs.
"Ready?" I said.
"Yes!" She said exited.
I opened the door and Cheryl stood there with tears in her eyes.
"Omg it's beautiful." She said.
She hugged me tightly and kissed me with passion. She walked around a bit and paused a minute at the picture wall. She smiled at the picture of me trying ice cream for the first time.
One of the pictures made her cry. It was a picture of me and her shopping for clothes.
"This was the moment I totally fell in love with you." She said still looking at the picture.
"I love you" I said pecking her lips.
"I love you too no matter what"

Hope y'all enjoyed. Go check out my newest story to. Part 4 of it is coming out soon. It's a Madnessa story btw.
Bye y'all! And thanks for the 3.5k❤️❤️

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