Messed up

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Cheryls POV
"Baby! Wake up! Pls!" I cried.
The ambulance came running in.
"Make space." One of them said.
They started CPR on her, while I was sitting on bed curled up crying. Some extra paramedics came in to help with the proces, and one of them sat next to me trying to support me.
"Do you have someone you can call? Like a boyfriend or your parents?"
"My girlfriend is currently getting CPR! And my parents, I don't even know where they are and I also don't give a shit about where they are." I said angry at him, like it wasn't obvious that she was my girlfriend.
"Ima call a friend." I said.
I walked out of the door, and immediately fell to the ground crying. I felt so weak. I sat against the wall with my phone in my hand. I tried to call someone, but I almost dropped my phone because I was shaking so much.I ended up calling Jughead. I don't know why, but I just did it.
"Hey Cheryl. Why are you calling?"
"I-It's T-Toni. S-she's getting...."
"Cheryl what is it??" He asked worried.
"T-Toni is getting r-r-reanimated." The last word barely came out of my mouth.
"Oh shit! I'm on my way okay Cheryl. Stay calm."
"T-thanks J-Jughead." I said and ended the call.
"We got a pols!" One yelled.
I started crying again, because I was so overwhelmed.
One came up to me and said: "We are taking her to the hospital with the a helicopter. You can go with the ambulance. They'll take you there. Okay?"
"O-okay" I stuttered.
I followed one of the paramedics and she asked me: "You can sit in the back with me if you want."
"Sure" I said.
I followed her and she said: "You can sit in the bed here."
I sat down and she fastened the seatbelt.
"Is she gonna be okay?" I asked worried.
"She is."
"Is that you girlfriend?" She asked.
"Are you married?" No we aren't.
"So tell me, how is she like?" She asked.
"She's really sweet, she always spoils me with gifts, she's my world. I can't imagine a life with out her and her annoying smile. She means everything to me."
"Awww that's so sweet." She said.
"How did you guys met?"
"Well that's a funny story. Uhm we were technically stepsisters. Her mom died of cancer so she had to live with her dad, my mom and me. We became really close, and after a few weeks she kissed me. We were attempting to bake cookies, but she dropped all the flour, so we started throwing it at each other. She came closer to me to wipe the flour off my face, and than she kissed me." I said with hart eyes.
"That's so cute." She said with a smile on her face.
"After a month of us being together our parents found out, and kicked us out. Luckily because Toni is a serpent, she had her own trailer where we lived for 2 or 3 years, until we decided to buy our own house. We live here now for almost a year."
"You guys are made for each other." She said with an even bigger smile.
"I know that's why I don't want her to die." I said holding back tears.
"It's okay she won't die, I promise." She said rubbing my shoulder.
We arrived at the hospital and they brought me to Toni's room.
"Baby?" I said.
I sat next to her holding her hand. She was asleep which I get because it's really late. The doctor came in and said: "We're gonna take her away for an hour. She's getting a CT-scan."
"Okay" I said.
I kissed Toni's forehead and they took her away.
I started crying again because I was scared, and I just wanted to be home right now, cuddling with her and watching a movie.
"Cheryl?" I heard a familiar voice say.
I looked up and there was Betty, Veronica and Jughead.
Veronica sat next to me, laying my head on her chest and rubbing my back.
"Sh sh sh. It's gonna be okay."
After 30 minutes Jughead (obviously) said: "I'm hungry, let's order some Pops."
"Sure, but isn't it a little inappropriate to let the food deliver here?" Betty asked.
"Just do it! You only live ones right?" Veronica laughed.
We ordered food and after 30 minutes it arrived. The doctor came in with Toni.
"Hey baby. We ordered you some food. If that's okay doc?" I asked.
"It's okay she can eat if she wants." He said.
"Oh and you'll get the results in an hour or so."
"Okay" I said.
We talked a bit and ate our food.
The doctor came in with some paperwork.
"We have the results and we can't find anything, we think that it was caused by stress. Because we gave you CPR we want to keep you here for at least a week. Just for observation."
"Oh okay." Toni said sad wanting to go home.
*Time skip*
Toni got fired from the hospital, and is healthy again. We threw a welcome back party and she loved it. She got a lot of presents and a lot of plushes. I'm so happy to have my baby back!

See y'all next part bitchas!😂
~ SuperstarEssie

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