My First Friend

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(Y/N) POV:

*beep* *beep*

"Ughhhh nooooo why now please for the love of God."

*beep* *beep*

I quickly turned my alarm off and decided to finally get ready after thinking if I actually was going to school or not, of course I knew my mom would kill me if I tried to skip. I quickly jumped into the shower, washing my (H/C) hair and then the rest of my body. As I wrapped the towel around my body I brushed my teeth then decide to fix my messy (H/L) hair to make myself look some what presentable, then I put my school uniform on and rushed downstairs to the kitchen.

"Good morning Mom guess who actually got up on time."

"Good morning (Y/N) please don't forget to take your lunch today I don't know how you always forget it." she said with a bit of worry in her voice.

"Don't worry I promise I won't forget it this time, and did dad already go to work?"

"Yes, he had a meeting earlier then he thought so he left sooner than usual and speaking of which I won't be home till late at night so make sure to not answer the door for anybody okay."

"I'm not a little kid anymore Mom I'm in 7th grade now and besides I'm not that dumb." I said pouting like a little kid.

"Alright I'll see you later tonight I love you, and aren't you going to be late if you don't leave right now?"

"Fuck your right"

I quickly grabbed my bento and started running towards the front door as my Mom started yelling at me for cursing. I sprinted the whole way to school almost getting hit by a car twice. I rushed through the school gate, and luckily made it on time and started walking to my class.

Once I sat down in my seat the bell rang right on time, and the teacher finally walked into the classroom. He started the normal morning introduction and suddenly someone came in late as it quickly grabbed everyone's attention but mostly the girls.

"Oh you must be our new student would you care to introduce yourself to the rest of the class."

"I'm Keigo Tamaki I hope we all get along." he said with a smirk that made all girls lose their shit.

I rolled my eyes thinking that everyone around me is making such a big deal over a new student.

"Please take a seat next to (Y/L), and please try to be on time I'll let it slide this time only since it's your first day."

"No problem at all." Tamaki said with a relaxed tone.

As he sat down next to me I decided to introduce myself to him and for some reason I found him to be easy to talk.

"Hi my name is (Y/L)(Y/N) it's nice to meet you" I said with a tired but cheerful tone he then smiled and started asking me questions about where things are and the fake people to watch out for.

He then asked me a question which I didn't really expect.

"(Y/L)-san what's your quirk I've been wondering for a while." He asked with curiosity.

"My quirk? Well It's nothing too special it's called impersonation, I can turn into someone for a short period of time it works better if I know the person more."

"It sounds really powerfully could you show it to me sometime!" His golden eyes looked like they were sparkling and to be honest his reaction caught me off guard.

"Sure why long as you tell me about your quirk your wings look really cool" I said with actual excitement which I wouldn't think would be possible for me to ever feel at school.

"Sure sounds like fun how about I show you at-" soon the bell interrupted us and all the girls came rushing to his desk asking him questions. I tried calling Keigo but all the girls started glaring at me. I decided to leave and find him later and hope that he would escape the crazy hoes in our class.

*Small time skip to eating lunch on the roof top*

I was half way done with my lunch when a large gust of wind flew in my face and messed up my hair. I then looked up and saw Keigo looking at me while laughing while also wearing his shit eating grin.

"You fucked up my hair why can't you use the stairs like a normal person." I said as I gave him a annoyed look.

"Why would I use the stairs when I have wings that just sounds like extra work."

"Whatever Big Bird."

"Hahahahaha is that my new nickname I'm so honored. Fine, if I'm Big Bird then your Baby Bird." A sudden blush flashed across my face as I tried to make sure he didn't notice, but surely he did.

"Your looking very red Baby Bird." he said with a smirk causing me pull out one of his feathers. I got up and started to walk away then Keigo spoke again.

"Can you show me your quirk I really want to see it before you leave." he whined like a lost puppy causing me to give him a annoyed glare.

"Fine I guess I can show you as long as you stop acting like a dumb chicken." he nodded and then I decided to change into him which made him look at me like a little kid in a candy store.

"Wow Baby Bird your quirk is really cool." He said as I started to change back, then the bell rang which meant lunch was over. I started freaking out because I realized we were going to be late but Keigo decided to have the most brilliant idea of holding me and flying us down to class.

"See now we're not la-."

"WHAT THE FUCK BIG BIRD I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE." I yelled at him as I tried to stand up straight. He then started dying out of laughter. We returned to our seats and waited for class to start as he was still laughing at me.

*Skip to end of the day and outside the school gate*

"Hey Baby Bird wait up." Keigo yelled from a distance I came to a sudden stop to wait for him to catch up.

"What do you want you oversized chicken." I said out of annoyance.

"Let's exchange numbers so we can talk outside school okay?"

"Okay and thank you." I said embarrassed.

"For what?"

"For being my first friend." he then smiled at me, and what he said next surprised me more then ever.

"Of course who wouldn't want to be friends with you Baby Bird."

*Hope you like it feel free to give criticism I'm always open to improving thank you UwU*

Word count: 1158

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