Nextdoor Neighbors

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* Nutella here!! Don't mind me just fixing this while writing*

Keigo's POV:

As I was walking home I thought about everything that happened today. Honestly I'm really happy to be friend's with (Y/N), she's nice and very funny not to mention she's really cute, still I couldn't believe that I'm her first friend I'll have to ask her about that later.

Before I knew it I was already at the front of my door and soon realized someone familiar was right across from me it was (Y/N)?!? How did I not notice that she lives right next door to me.

We were walking the same direction...

I decided to call her and surprise her that we live next door to each other.

"What do you want Big Bird." She said with annoyance.

"Look who's right next to you." I said with a cheerful tone as I watched her turn towards my direction.

She hung up the phone and stared at me for a while before asking me the funniest but stupidest question.

"Why are you breaking into that house...." she said with a somewhat serious tone all I could do was laugh my ass off and suddenly she realized that she said the stupidest thing.

"Well I actually live here and yes I'm breaking into my own house."

"Don't you have a key? You look really suspicious right now." She asked while laughing which I have to admit she looked pretty cute.

"Nope I left it inside and my parents aren't home so I guess I'm stuck outside."

"You want to come to my house my parents aren't home."

"Wow Baby Bird I didn't know you were so forward" I teased her knowing full well that's not what she meant.

"SHUT UP YOU OVERGROWN CHICKEN YOU KNOW THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT." She yelled at me with a obvious blush on her face that caused me laugh even more.

"Okay let's go inside the more your out here the more you look like your homeless." I pretend to be offended and followed her inside her house.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" She asked but I wasn't really hungry so I just said no thank you.

I noticed that her mom left a note on fridge that said "I won't be back till ten so make sure you eat dinner and finish your homework I'll see you when I get back love you."

I feel a bit envious reading it and thinking about how my mother never does this, but also a bit happy for (Y/N).

"Baby Bird do you want to do homework right now" I asked her from the kitchen.

"Stop calling me that and fine I kinda suck at math so hopefully your not as dumb as you act"

"Hey I'm actually smart and lucky for you I'm great at math."

"We'll see about that." She said jokingly which I took as a challenge.

*Time skip to finishing homework and dinner*

After we finished dinner I looked at the time and it was already 9:47. I hurried over to (Y/N) and told her I had to go and she quickly looked at the time on her phone. She got up and rushed me outside the house knowing her mom would be home any minute.

I decided to fly through the window which I could have done from the start but I wanted to mess with (Y/N) for a little while.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and I received a text from (Y/N).

Baby Bird:
Why didn't you fly through the window sooner?!?

Me: I wanted to hangout with you which was definitely worth it you get embarrassed so easily

Baby Bird:

Me: By the way I think I left my notebook at your house

Baby Bird:
Yeah you did I'll give it to you tomorrow

Me: Thank you Baby Bird I'll see you in the morning

Goodnight I hope you dream about me ;)

Baby Bird:
Fuck off and goodnight Big Bird

(Y/N) is going to be absolutely fun to tease. Making her flustered is the funniest thing, I thought as I slowly drifted off to sleep thinking about (Y/N).

*Thanks for reading can't wait to put up more I hope you liked it!!!*

Word count: 721

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