Love Me

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*Nutella Here!! I'm planning on making a One-shots book of another anime, here's a small hint: Suicidal Maniac*

(Y/N) POV:

What should I do?

Should I tell him today, but what if he doesn't feel the same way. No (Y/N), you need have confidence in yourself. I can do this, I have to. But how?

These thoughts kept running in my mind as I was debating on what to wear. I finally came to a decision and decided to wear my (F/C) dress with white ribbon pumps to match. I didn't put too much make up on because I didn't want to look like a clown and I really don't use it that much anyways. Then I styled my (H/L) hair and put my necklace on that Keigo gave to me.

As I was going to check my phone I heard a knock on my balcony window.

Of course it was none other then Keigo. As I was opening the balcony door I noticed he was was wearing a red and black tux excluding the tie of course while holding a bouquet of flowers.

He looks so hot.

Wait when did I start having these thoughts about him?!?

"Like what you see Baby Bird." He said while smirking and I quickly turned away.

"Shut up and what are the flowers for?"

"The flowers are for you of course." He said looking at me with his usual smirk. I'm so nervous I can't even say the right thing. I grabbed the flowers out of his hand and went back inside to put them in a vase.

"Awww Chicky you look so cute, you never wear dresses."

"I'm not cute and I don't really need them but I thought why not wear one today." I said feeling my face heat up.

"Let's just go already." I said heading for the door but was stopped by Keigo grabbing my wrist pulling me towards him.

No please don't tell.

"Please don't tell me we're flying." I said shivering and thinking about being dropped from the sky.

"Come on Chicky it's not that bad once you get use to it and there's no way I would ever drop you." He said trying to convince me while holding my other hand.

"Fine let's fly." I said knowing this was a argument I couldn't win.

He then picked me up and started counting when he was going to take off which made me even more worried. I swear I'm going to die.

He finally jumps off the ledge and i shut my eyes too afraid to open them.

"Come on Baby Bird open your eyes." He said while gripping me even tighter to show he's not going to drop me. I slowly open my eyes and saw the beautiful city lights that looked like stars.

"See Chicky nothing to be afraid of." He said while smiling at me. He then stopped and placed his headphones over my ears, I gave him a questioning look trying to figure what he was doing.

"Hold on tight I'll be going really fast okay." He said but before I could even reply he flew across the sky and I started to shake even more intensely. Damn it Keigo you had me calm for 2 seconds and now I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a fucking heart attack.

Once I finally opened my eyes again we were flying towards his balcony and as he made a gentle landing I couldn't bring myself to move.

"You okay there Chicky?" He asked still holding on to me waiting for me to reply.

"I can't move am I having a heart attack?" I asked him and he started to laugh.

"No your not having a heart attack, and if you can't move I guess I'm just going to have to carry to my bed." He said which quickly made me jump out of his arms.

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