Sudden Fever

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*I have a lot I want to get done for this story so I'll be updating more often and editing old stuff*

(Y/N) POV:

As I finished my morning routine I noticed another note was left on fridge from Mom.

I gently ripped the note off which read "Your Dad and I will be gone for the weekend for an important meeting so make sure you leave on time to school and eat dinner every night. Call us if anything happens be safe honey we love you."

It was actually pretty normal for them to leave for a weekend since they both work at a big company. it's not like I can't take care of myself.

I finished packing my lunch and making sure to grab Keigo's notebook as I walked out the door and soon noticed red feathers block my view of the cloudy morning sky.

"Good morning Baby Bird!!" He said with his usually smirk that all the girls fawned over...well except me.

"Stop calling me that stupid nickname and why are here so early?"

"Well Chicky I thought we could walk to school together we are going the same direction and plus you have my notebook."

"Fine and here's your stupid notebook back" I handed it to him and watched him quickly flip through it and he suddenly stopped at one page.

"Did you finish my homework for me Chicky I thought you sucked at math?" He said with pure confusion.

"Well uhhmm after you explained it to me it started to make more sense and I just thought since you helped me I would finish the rest for you." I was embarrassed for some reason but what he did was even more unexpected.

"(Y/N)." he said with a serious tone but before I knew it he brought me into a hug and covered me with his red wings.

"THANK YOU FOR DOING IT FOR ME I DIDN'T WANT TO FINISH IT HOMEWORK IS SOOO BORING." he started yelling and pretended to fake cry while still holding me.

"LET GO OF ME STUPID BIRD BEFORE I TEAR OUT YOUR FEATHERS." I yelled back with a slight red blush across my face.

"Your no fun Baby Bird" he said pretending to be sad which caused me to roll my eyes and continue walking to school.

*Time skip to end of the school day*

School was finally over and before I could make my way back home it started raining and me having amazing luck I didn't have a umbrella with me.

"Why now" I said hoping someone would suddenly appear with a umbrella but to my surprise it was none other then Big Bird himself.

"What are doing in the rain without a umbrella Chicky?"

"I forgot it at home and now my uniform and hair is soaking wet" I said while shivering and then proceeding to sneeze. I suddenly felt a warm jacket wrap around my shoulders that soon began to calm me down.

"Won't you be cold though?"

"Are you kidding me I'm freezing my ass off right now, let's hurry and get back." He said as it was raining even harder now.

As we made our way back home I started feeling dizzy and wasn't able to walk straight anymore, Keigo quickly caught on and asked me if I was okay I told him I was fine but then everything around me completely faded to black.

Keigo's POV:

As (Y/N) was in the middle of finishing her sentence she suddenly fainted on the wet cement. I immediately picked her up and decided to fly us home as fast as I could.

I looked for (Y/N)'s house key in her bag but was not able to find it or one under the mat so I picked the door with one of my feathers while also trying to hold her.

Luckily I was able to unlock it.

When I entered (Y/N)'s house I ran upstairs and set her gently down on her bed trying to make sure she was comfortable. I felt her forehead only realizing she had a very high fever.

I left her room to get warm rags and a thermometer and decided to make leek stew for when she wakes up since she had the ingredients in the kitchen.

I entered her room again with everything I gathered to help her get better. Placing the warm rag on her forehead and then putting the thermometer in her mouth. Once I pulled it out I looked at the temperature which read 101°F.

She soon got up and was confused on why I was there. I told her she has a really bad fever and then handed her the leek stew.

All she did was nod as a response and started eating it. Once she finished it slhe gave me a warm smile.

"Thank you for taking care of me Keigo and the stew was really tasty." She said while continuing to smile at me.

"It's nothing Chicky just get better soon okay." I said with a relaxed tone but in all honesty I was worried about her. Because if I'm being honest she is my first friend too.

She then dozed back to sleep, I better get going so I can let her rest peacefully but I stopped when I hear (Y/N) mumble something that made me feel very relieved.

"Thank you for being here for me Keigo."

"No (Y/N) thank you." I said knowing she can't hear me.

*Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed I will put a another chapter sometime later today UwU *

Word Count: 945

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