Is This a Date?

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(Y/N) POV:

It was now Friday and around 11 pm when I finished patrolling, and luckily nothing big really happened besides a few robberies by petty thugs.

I was laying in bed still thinking about what happened a few days ago with Keigo and the sudden dinner we're having tomorrow.

Wait is this a...


There's no way we're just friends, or do I want to be more then that?

I took my phone off my night stand and went through my contacts and stopped when I saw Keigo's number. Would it be weird to call him this late?

Before I could even press the call button my phone started ringing and I answered it without even looking at who it was.

"Hey Baby Bird sorry for calling so late but I need you to do something for me." He said with a highly suspicious tone.

"Okay what do you need me to do Big Bird."

"Go to your balcony."

I walked over to my balcony without saying a word and I dropped my phone on the floor when I saw Keigo perched on top of the ledge. He turned around and hung up the phone as I walked up to him.

"How the fuck did you know where I lived?" I asked confused more then ever.

"Well...I may have followed you home one time." He said trying his best to not sound like a pervert.

"And you call me a stalker." I said staring at him while trying not to laugh. Why is he acting so shy right now? Wait is he blushing?!? I guess the tables have finally turned.

"Are you blushing Big Bird?" I said in the most teasing tone possible. He used one of his wings to cover his face and flew a few feathers over my eyes so I couldn't see him.

"Whatever I came here to give you something." He said still trying to hide the obvious blush on his face.

"I can't see because of your feathers chicken, and why is it so important you couldn't wait until tomorrow?" I asked trying to put piece and piece together.
"You'll see Chicky." He said as he started walking closer to me. I then felt his hands touching my (H/L) hair as his finger tips crease the back of my neck and I immediately blushed still trying to figure out what's going on.

"And done you can open your eyes now." He said taking his feathers off of my eyes. I looked down to see a gold necklace with a feather at the end of it.

"Do you like it? I was going to give it to you tomorrow but I couldn't wait, so I thought why not now. If you don't like it I can take it back and get a differ-" I then gave him a hug which he quickly accepted and wrapped his wings around me.

"I love it Keigo it's beautiful thank you I couldn't ask for anything better." I said squeezing him tighter then before. He then pulled away and I looked up at him wondering what he was going to say next.

"I'm glad you like it Baby Bird I better get going it's pretty late goodnight." He said about to fly off but I quickly grabbed his hand he looked at me with shock and anticipation. I pulled him closer to me and kissed him on the cheek which made me blush at my own actions.

"Goodnight I'll see you tomorrow." I said rushing inside too embarrassed by what I just did to even look back. What am I thinking? Do I really like Keigo? No, like isn't the right word.

But what is?


Keigo's POV:

Fuck I can't believe she kissed me.

Damnit it (Y/N) your making this even harder.

Why did you have to make me blush so much, shouldn't it be the other way around? I wanted to hold her so badly she's so cute, especially when she's flustered. Not to mention she's absolutely beautiful in every way possible.

Should I just fly back and tell her now?

No, don't be a dumbass stick to what you planned for tommorow.

As I continued flying through the night sky (Y/N) wouldn't stop appearing in my mind, and the day we first met and how I became her first friend. Hopefully if everything works out she'll no longer be just my best friend.

If I'm being honest I could care less about being the #2 hero. If I had to give up being a hero to be with (Y/N) I wouldn't hesitate for a second. She's my world and if she's happy then I couldn't care about what happens to me at all.

Before I knew it I was already on my balcony staring at the city lights. I decided to go to my bedroom and think of ways to tell (Y/N) how I feel about her. "Hey (Y/N) I've been in love with you since 7th grade will you be my girlfriend." I said outloud cringing on how desperate I sound.

There had to be a easier way to this right? Maybe I should try to sound more forward.

"(Y/N) will you be mine so I can have you whenever I want."

What the fuck I sound like a asshole there's no way I could say something like that to her.

I'm overthinking this too much, I guess I'm just going to have to wait to see how things play out.

* Thanks for your reading, I hope you enjoyed the chapter the next one is going to be they're date*

Word Count: 948

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