The Cafe

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Hao Ting's high school ex-girlfriend, Li Si Yu, was just enjoying a nice afternoon of shopping with her mother when the image she caught on her cellphone that day set events in motion that would change, or should I say, set right, the destinies of Hao Ting and Yu Xi Gu.

"Si Yu, I need to go into just two more shops and then we can head home."

"Sure mom, no problem, but could we stop at this café and get a coffee first. My legs are tired?"

As she has gotten older, Si Yu, has come to appreciate and love spending time with her mom. The loss of her friend in high school helped her appreciate the fact that you have to make your days count while you have them and while the occasional all-day shopping excursions with her mom is tiring, they're creating great memories they will cherish the rest of their lives.

"Si Yu, watch mommy's stuff, I'm going to the bathroom. I will be back in a few minutes."

Si Yu was sitting at a table by the window in the coffee shop, surrounded by her and her mom's shopping bags, rubbing her tired calves, looking out the window at the people passing by. As she was gazing, one particular passer-by caught and kept her attention. She thought she recognized his slender frame and rear profile but it wasn't until he was looking around and waiting at the cross walk that she saw his face, and she knew instantly that her eyes were not deceiving her. It was her classmate from high school. Quickly, she grabbed her phone from the table and snapped a picture before pushing the shopping bags out of her path, jumping out of her seat and rushing out of the café as she attempted to catch up to her classmate and get a closer look.

Unfortunately, she was too late, the light had changed and the classmate had merged into the crowd of people walking the street. Thankfully, she was thinking today, and took the picture first. She was still looking at the picture on here phone as she returned to the café. 

 Picking up and straightening the bags from the floor, her mom asked, "Si Yu, where did you go? I came back from the bathroom and all the bags were on the floor and you were gone. The staff said you ran out of the store. I was about to call the police."

"Sorry mom, I saw a classmate from high school."

"Si Yu, was it that important? Why not just call them, or Facebook them, or Instagram them, or use one of the other social media things there are to talk to them. Did you have to throw the bags all over the floor?" asked her mom as Si Yu was still fixated on the picture on her phone. 

Although the image wasn't pristine, it was clear enough that she was certain the person she'd just seen was Yu Xi Gu, a classmate from high school who everyone believed had died the summer after their high school graduation.

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