Cleaning House

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The Xiang household was bustling with activity.  Xiang Ching-Chang (Hao Ting's dad) was busy in the kitchen chopping, stirring, boiling, and frying.  He was putting together his biggest collection of dishes since the last new year celebration.  Meanwhile, Lin Cai Zhu (Hao Ting's mom), was busy cleaning the back bedroom and recleaning the front room all at the same time.  She wanted the apartment to be spotless.  The only person who was not feeling the excitement of the situation was Xiang Yong Xing, Hao Ting's little sister.  She had permanently stationed herself on the living room couch watching as her parents moved around her like worker bees in the beehive.

"Mommy, why are you guys going out of your way for him.  It's not just his graduation, it's my graduation too.  You guys were like this before he left and now, you're like this again when he's coming back for a visit.  I can't wait until it's my turn to go abroad to study, you guys better do the same thing for me."

Her parents continue about their business, not paying to much attention to the words she's saying.

"Ugghh" as Yong Xing storms off to her bedroom.

"Flight attendants, please prepare for landing.  Cabin crew, please take your seats for landing."

Looking out the plane window, Hao Ting realizes that this will be the first time in 2 years that he will be back home.  He had just finished his master's degree in physics and had planned to use the summer to prepare for beginning his doctorate.  However, his mother had other plans.  There's nothing like a mother's guilt.  She made him feel guilty that both of her children were graduating but she only got to celebrate with one even after carrying them both for 9 long months, a having a difficult delivery with Hao Ting, as well as having to put up with his obstinate and defiant behavior since being a toddler.

"The one thing she has to look forward to now is celebrating as her children graduate, but even after 2 long years apart only one wanted to celebrate with the family."

Uncharacteristically, Hao Ting gave in and agreed to come home but only for a week.  He said he had too much stuff to do in preparation for beginning his doctorate studies.  His mom took what she could get and booked his ticket before they had even finished the phone call. 

If the truth be known, the primary reason Hao Ting did not want to come home was because he did not want to deal with questions from his dad about finding a girlfriend and settling down.  It took a while but finally Hao Ting was comfortable with where he was in life.  Although he did not tell his parents, he had started seeing a therapist to deal with the feelings of loss he still felt when he thought of Yu Shi Gu.  When he first got to college in an effort to get past the pain, Hao Ting did try to date.  He actually went on several, but each time by the end of the night he just found himself comparing them to Yu Shi Gu.

This prompted him to seek out therapy.  He thought for sure the therapist would fix him and he'd be able to meet some nice girl and his parents would be happy.  What Hao Ting did not expect was for the therapist to help him to make peace with the idea of being alone.  Hao Ting came to realize that he had already found the love of this life and although their time together was short, he could not see himself being with anyone else.  He was sure this is was not something his dad will want to hear and so Hao Ting thought it would be better for their relationship if there were thousands of miles between them.  Now that he was home, Hao Ting was debating if he should have this conversation with his parents or just suffer through until he could get back on the plane and return to school.

Hao Ting did admit that it would be nice to hang out with his little sister.  She was growing up so fast, already finishing high school and about to enter into college.  Plus, it would be nice to see and hang out with his brothers after 2 years.  Communicating through social media just isn't the same as talking in person.  Hao Ting wouldn't be surprised if he started receiving wedding invitations soon, especially Sun Bo and Zhi Gang.  There was a time when Hao Ting thought those two would not make it, but it looks like they will be together for a while.  Hao Ting is happy for the happiness his friend has found.  It was at that point that Hao Ting remembered he had not told Sun Bo that he was coming home.  His mom had arranged everything so quickly, she wanted to lessen the time Hao Ting had to change his mind and back out.  Hao Ting thought it would be okay, he would just text Sun Bo once he was at home. 

"On behalf of Taipei Air, the flight crew would like to welcome you to Taoyuan International Airport. We will be arriving at the gate momentarily. Please remain in your seats with your seat belt securely fastened until the aircraft has come to a complete stop at the terminal gate."

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