The Phone Call

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After a couple days of going over the events of that day in her brain and looking at the photo repeatedly, Si Yu finally decided she needed to do something.  Si Yu remembered the last time she met Hao Ting, it was 2 years ago and although Hao Ting tried to put on a brave face, she could tell that he still hadn't gotten over the loss of Yu Shi Gu. She thought the circumstances around Yu Shi Gu's death were strange at the time but seeing the pain Hao Ting was still in, she thought it best not to push the matter.  Now, having met her own soul's mate, there was no way she could do nothing.  What if Hao Ting was still in pain and suffering over the loss?  Although they are not a couple, Si Yu still considers Hao Ting a friend.  Aren't friends supposed to help friends when they're going through pain?

"Si Yu, that's true but you also don't want to add to their pain" was her mom's advice.

Si Yu did not want to add to Hao Ting's pain especially if she was wrong, but as she believes, what if she's right and Yu Shi Gu really is alive.  Maybe then Hao Ting will be able to heal.  What could she do?  What should she do?  Her answer was Sun Bo Xiang, Hao Ting's best friend from high school. Si Yu decided to call him and tell him what she had seen.  Maybe he, and his friends, could do something.

Luckily, she stored Sun Bo's number in her phone at the last reunion.  She was anxious and nervous as the phone rang.

"Ni hao, can I speak with Sun Bo Xiang"

"Sorry, he's not home at the moment, can I take a message?"

"Yes, this is Li Si Yu. I'm a friend of his from high school."

"Oh yeah, I remember you.  This is Lu Zhi Gang.  We meet at Sun Bo's last reunion."

"Yeah, I remember. You're his boyfriend.  How are you doing?"

"We're doing very well. How about yourself?"

"I'm doing well, however, there's something really important I need to discuss with Sun Bo.  Is it possible for him to call me once he returns?  It doesn't matter the time."

"Okay, give me a second to find something to write on.  Okay, what's your number?"

"Also, could you do me a favor and write the word URGENT as well."

"He should be home soon.  I'll give him this message when he arrives.

"Xie xie ni, Lu Zhi Gang, zai jian."

"Zai jian."

Sun Bo called out "Baby, I'm home," as he walked into the apartment that he shared with Zhi Gang.  Stopping to take off and hang up his coat in the closest.  He walked into the kitchen and gave his lover a rear hug and kiss to the neck as Zhi Gang was preparing dinner at the stove. Walking back towards the bedroom to change, Sun Bo was asking Zhi Gang, "How was your day? Anything exciting happen at the coffee shop?"

"No," Zhi Gang replied, "just the usual, but you did get a message from one of your high school classmates."

Walking back into the kitchen after changing, "What, why would one of my brothers call you, why didn't they just call me?"

"It was not one of the guys, it was Li Si Yu."

Zhi Gang gave him the slip of paper with the name Li Si Yu written on it with a number and the words URGENT, please call as soon as possible.  Sun Bo had a questioning expression on his face wondering what was so urgent that she called him? True, he and Li Si Yu were classmates but they were not that close.  She was just his best friend's ex-high school girlfriend.  As he was waiting for dinner to finish cooking, he made the phone call. 

"Ni hao, can I speak with Li Si Yu"

"Sun Bo, is this you?"

"Yes, Si Yu, it's me.  How have you been?  Zhi Gang gave me the message that you needed to speak with me urgently.  What's going on?"

Excitedly, Si Yu just began to ramble on the thoughts that she'd been processing over the last couple days all at once to Sun Bo. 

"There's something that happened to me a couple of days ago and I've been thinking about whether I should just forget it or if I should do something about it.  If I do something and I'm wrong, it has the potential to cause someone pain that I did not intend to cause, but if I'm right, it has the potential to heal and bring joy and happiness."

"Si Yu, slow down.  Maybe it'll be better to just start from the beginning."

Over the next 30 minutes, Si Yu shared her story of the day she went shopping with her mom...the café and the encounter with the passer-by.  She explained how she was not sure what to do, if anything about the encounter and while she did not want to tell this to Hao Ting, she thought that someone should know other than herself.  She and Sun Bo talked about the circumstances surrounding Yu Xi Gu's death and the fact that that no one outside his family was allowed to attend his funeral.

Sun Bo listened as she talked and although he tried not to let her know, he was skeptical of the things she was saying.  That is, until after the call had ended and Si Yu texted the photo that she had taken with her phone to Sun Bo.  Sun Bo  thought the picture she was going to send would be a blurred picture of some random guy, taken through a café window, taken on the street, in a crowd from far way who resembled Yu Shi Gu, but the picture she sent was bright, clear and surprisingly no one was standing near him at the time.  The person was framed perfectly in the photo, standing at the crosswalk. His face was clearly visible and it was undoubtedly his best friend's soul mate, his lover's adopted little brother, the cause of so many tears for both....Yu Shi Gu.  There was no question in Sun Bo's mind that the person in the picture was Yu Shi Gu, and if that's true, looking over at Zhi Gang in the kitchen, "what do I do next?"

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