The Detective

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Sun Bo Xiang and Lu Zhi Gang were seated at the restaurant where they had agreed to meet Zhi Gang's police friend. 

Thankfully, the friend of the detective had agreed to the change in plans and agreed to meet them all for lunch.  Zhi Gang and Sun Bo were the first to arrive and were sitting at the table when their friend arrived.  Standing up, both Zhi Gang and Sun Bo extended their hands to greet their friend, Meng Shao Fei (History 3: Trapped), as he joined them at the table.

"Wow, its been a few months since I've seen you guys, how are you doing?" asked Shao Fei.

Zhi Gang answered, "We're doing well.  Hope about you?  Tang Yi still isn't joining us today?"

"No, he's busy working," replied Shao Fei, "he sends his greetings and said that we need to hang out together soon."

"So, when are you guys going to get married?" Sun Bo asked.

Looking at Sun Bo and jabbing him softly in the side, Zhi Gang asked, "Why are you so fixated on marriage?"

"I'm just curious. Maybe if they do it, it will give someone else ideas," replied Sun Bo, before sticking his tongue out at Zhi Gang playfully.

Looking at Zhi Gang, Shao Fei answered, "Don't feel bad, Tang Yi has been asking me the same thing every day for a couple of months now."

Excitedly, Sun Bo said "Really! I need to talk to him.  Maybe we can exchange tips."

After a few more minutes of marriage talk and catching up, Shao Fei, asked about the favor that Zhi Gang wanted before his friend arrived.  Zhi Gang explained how 6 years ago he tragically lost someone who was like a little brother to him and a friend to Sun Bo.  Recently, they received information that their friend actually was alive and they were wondering if there was a way to confirm it.  Zhi Gang shared with Shao Fei that his friend was an orphan with his only living relative being an aunt.  Zhi Gang and Sun Bo were wondering if it would be possible to get access to a copy of his death certificate or possibly find the address of the aunt so that they could speak with her in person. 

Shao Fei said that he could have a friend at the ministry of records access the death certificate information so they would at least have confirmation of his death.  Shao Fei confirmed that as the next of kin, his aunt's name should be listed on the death certificate as well.  Unfortunately, Shao Fei told them that he couldn't look up the aunt's address in his official capacity as a detective but he did have friends who could get that information.  Shao Fei did not say it to Zhi Gang and Sun Bo but having a boyfriend who was the former head of a large criminal organization did provide access to information you could not get through normal, legal channels.  Shao Fei just needed to know the name of the person of interest. 

Sun Bo Xiang pulled out his phone to show Shao Fei the picture and was telling Shao Fei, "his name was Yu Shi...." 

"...Gu!" Raising out of his seat, Zhi Gang finished Sun Bo's sentence.

However, Zhi Gang wasn't looking at the picture on Sun Bo's phone, he was staring at the guest who'd just entered the restaurant.  To Zhi Gang's shock and surprise, there standing at the podium, being directed to their table was the little brother he thought he had lost years before, Yu Shi Gu.  Looking up at his boyfriend, Sun Bo Xiang, followed Zhi Gang's eyes to see that indeed it was Yu Shi Gu walking slowly and nervously towards their table.

Yu Shi Gu knew at some point this day would come, the day when he would run into someone he knew.  He just wasn't expecting it to be today or for it to be Zhi Gang and Sun Bo Xiang.  In the years since he regained his memory, he has debated with himself countless times should he tell his former friends that he was alive and explain to them what happened.  Other than Xiang Hao Ting, Zhi ge ge (ge ge means brother in Chinese) was the one person he most wanted to tell; however, Yu Shi Gu knew telling Zhi ge ge that he was alive wasn't an option.  Yu Shi Gu recalled how much Zhi ge ge loves Sun Bo and to ask him to keep such a secret would not have been fair.  Yu Shi Gu was certain that if Sun Bo became aware that Yu Shi Gu was still alive, there would be no way Sun Bo would keep that secret from Xiang Hao Ting, and Hao Ting was the number one person that Yu Shi Gu did not want to find out.  As Yu Shi Gu was walking to the table, he realizes that apparently fate has other plans than helping him to continue to keep his secret from Hao Ting.

Zhi ge ge had so many questions but the only thing that matter at that point was hugging his brother to be sure that he was not dreaming, and so that's what Zhi ge ge did.  Not caring about where he was or who saw him, Zhi ge ge meet Yu Shi Gu, hugging him while they both openly cried.  Seeing the emotions of Zhi Gang and Yu Shi Gu triggered Sun Bo Xiang to join the two creating a group hug right there in the middle of the restaurant.

The trio returned to their seats after their emotions had settled realizing that Shao Fei had been sitting at the table respectfully watching but also curious about the scene that had played out in front of his eyes.  Shao Fei wasn't completely in the dark, he did have a clue, he was a decorated police detective after all, plus he was privy to some facts about Yu Shi Gu that both, Zhi Gang and Sun Bo Xiang, as well as others were unaware.

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