The Proposal

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Before Hao Ting's mind had an opportunity to process the situation, Hao Ting's heart had already directed how the legs and body should react.  Walking up to Yu Shi Gu, Hao Ting cradled Yu Shi Gu's face in Hao Ting's hands and kissed Yu Shi Gu with a passion that was 6 years in the making.  Yu Shi Gu, without thinking, melted into the kiss giving way to the longing that Yu Shi Gu had previously compartmentalized within his heart.

Midway through their kiss, Hao Ting's mind turned back on. It began to ask itself as series of questions at a rapid rate as it attempted to confirm a conclusion...             

...Is the texture of the lips the same? 

...Is the feel of his tongue on mine the same? 

...Is the taste of his mouth the same? 

...Is the way that his face fits into my hands the same?

...Is the smell from his skin the same?

...Is the smell from his hair the same?

...Is the way that my fingers run through his hair the same? 

...Is his height the same?

...Is the way that his body fits into mine the same?

In the end, every question that Hao Ting's mind was asking as he and Yu Shi Gu kissed, was returning the same answer, Yes.  It was then the brain accepted that this was indeed not a case of transference.  Nor was this a hallucination or dream created by a longing heart.  This body Hao Ting was embracing was Yu Shi Gu, the love of Hao Ting's life.  Once the mind accepted what the heart already knew, the kiss that was electric before, intensified even more.

It was Yu Shi Gu who began to pull away from the kiss only to be stopped by Hao Ting's hands which had migrated to Yu Shi Gu's waist returning to Yu Shi Gu's face.  This time they were being used to guide Yu Shi Gu through a new series of localized, more sensual kiss bites.  Hao Ting started the first on Yu Shi Gu's lips.  Next Hao Ting moved to Yu Shi Gu's left cheek, followed by his left eye lid where Hao Ting lingered a bit.  Then on to Yu Shi Gu's forehead which received a double kiss before Hao Ting moved to the right side of Yu Shi Gu's face with a kiss on Yu Shi Gu's right eye lid.  The last in the series of kisses was to Yu Shi Gu's right cheek, his nose and then back to the lips where the kiss parade had begun.

Again, Yu Shi Gu attempted to pull away, but this time Yu Shi Gu also attempted to speak.  All he managed to say was "Hao..." before Hao Ting responded, "No."  Hao Ting did not need to hear anything right now, all he needed was to remember the touch and feel of the person he loved.  Hao Ting hugged Yu Shi Gu to his body, wrapping his arms first around Yu Shi Gu's back, securely trapping Yu Shi Gu's chest to his own before lowering his arms to Yu Shi Gu's waist.  The effect was to have Yu Shi Gu's slender frame, completely touching Hao Ting's taller, bulkier frame.

For 5 minutes, this is how they remained, connected together without either saying a word.  The one time that Yu Shi Gu attempted to disengage, Hao Ting only hugged him closer.  Upon recognizing that this battle was not meant for him to win and also realizing he really did not want to fight it anyway, Yu Shi Gu relaxed his head on Hao Ting's shoulder and just melted into Hao Ting's body, enjoying the comfort of the embrace he had missed for so many years.

When Hao Ting began to bring his arms up from around Yu Shi Gu's waist, Yu Shi Gu lifted his head in anticipation that the embrace was about to end.  Instead, Hao Ting allowed just enough space between their bodies to allow Hao Ting to cup Yu Shi Gu's face in his hands once more.  For an additional two or so minutes, Hao Ting's eyes took in every curve around Yu Shi Gu's lips and cheeks, every blemish and pore on Yu Shi Gu's skin, as well as every crease on Yu Shi Gu's forehead.  Hao Ting's gaze came to a stop on Yu Shi Gu's eyes.  There Hao Ting took in every line and wrinkle as well as recognizing the undeniable sparkle that seemed to be permanently affixed within Yu Shi Gu's eyes. Oh how Hao Ting had so dearly missed those eyes.  Only after he had successfully reawakened all of his memories of Yu Shi Gu, and added the new details of Yu Shi Gu's face, did Hao Ting allow Yu Shi Gu to disengage from the embrace.

HIStory 3.5: Make Our Days Count: Love's SacrificeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu