Ziam: I Think I Love You

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Zayn isn't gay. He knows he isn't. He prefers boobs over toned chests, he prefers curves over abs and muscles and he prefers soft skin against his, rather that stubble.


There's one problem. And that problem has a name...

Liam Payne.

He wasn't planning on meeting him. It just happened, really. Everything's Niall's fault for knowing too many people.


It all started a Friday night. Zayn was leaving from work early since he got promoted. He wanted to go home, lay down on his bed and be a bum all day, but his friends Niall, Louis and Harry had a different plan.

"Zayn, wait up!" Zayn turned around to noticed his three best friends coming down the hall with grins on their faces.

"Okay, okay. Who got laid?" Zayn asked, rolling his eyes.

His three friends looked at him with confusion written all over their faces, but then laughed it off.

"We did" Harry added cheerfully, signaling between him and Louis.

"Harry!" Louis scolded before he blushed madly.

"Yeah, I figured" Zayn rolled his eyes again and smiled.

"So, what's up?"

"Oh, right! There's this new club downtown and the three of us are going. We were wondering if you want to come" Niall looked at him hopeful with his big blue eyes.

"Uh-" Zayn shuffled from one feet to another.

"Come on, Zayn! Besides, my friend Liam is going as well, I want you guys to finally meet him" Niall smiled fondly.

"Okay, fine" Zayn groaned and then the boys threw themselves at him, tackling him to the floor.


Zayn is looking around the bar. Sweating bodies grinding against each other and people highly intoxicated are all over the dark room. Neon lights are the only lights that the crowded place has. The music is blasting through the speakers and he ordered a Pepsi to kill some time. He's sitting like a loner just thinking 'where the hell are those boys?' and as if on cue, he noticed how his three best friends are stumbling through the mass of bodies to reach him.

That's when Zayn noticed him. The most gorgeous man he has ever seen and believe him, he isn't even into boys...is he?

He shook his head to get rid of the thoughts and greeted his friends with a big hug. When it was Niall's friend's turn Zayn smiled shyly as Niall introduced them. They talked for a while until they got bored and sprinted to the bar. They ordered every kind of drink the bartender told them was good.


After his fourth blue-ish drink, Zayn's dizzy. He's already feeling the liquor kicking in. He has drank a lot already and that coke with rum -which was more rum than coke- he just drowned isn't helping his vision...at all.

He's looking around the room looking for his friends. Niall is dancing with some black-haired girl who seems a bit too slutty for Niall's taste, but he's piss drunk, just like Zayn. Zayn turns his head and he swears he's about to pass out.

There are Harry and Louis sucking each other faces off, one of Louis' hands is down Harry's pants and he just needs another drink. He turns around and notices there are two tequila shots on the bar counter. He takes both of them and takes them down at once.

He turns his head again and catches Liam's stare. He's standing in a corner of the crowded room, little bits of sweat across his forehead and Zayn's breath hitches. He's arguing with himself about if he should just walk up to Liam and talk to him about whatever came to his mind. He was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't notice how Liam is actually approaching him.

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