Ziall: Fuck Boundaries

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Niall Horan has lots of things. He's a pop star; the biggest pop star so far and without mentioning he's barely nineteen. He has everything and people either want to be him or want to be with him. But, there is something wrong with Niall, there is that one thing Niall just can't bear, something that makes him incredibly mad.

His beard.

Since Niall is a superstar he needs to keep his reputation in a nice level. He has to please everybody, except himself -according to Bobby, his manager-. He's gay. Hell, he likes cock so much, but he can't say that to the media; management are asses to him. That's when she came.


He had to pretend. Pretend he loves her, pretend he's straight. He hated every bit of it. He was sick of having to go out and hold hands with someone he didn't not just love; he didn't even liked Leslie. He was sick of having to kiss her and pretend he was happy, when in reality he wanted to throw her to a cage full of hungry lions. He's just so tired of it all.


Then, he started seeing Zayn.

Everything started a Saturday. Considering Niall is always hungry he founded himself walking to the 24-hour McDonald's near his house at 2:00AM. He's really craving a burger right now. As he walked inside the place the smell of food attacked his nostrils and he tried not to let out a moan. Hell! He's hungry. He looked around at first and noticed the black-haired bloke behind the counter looking into space. He's most probably waiting for a customer since the place is deserted. Niall walked to the guy and his breath hitched.

The guy is beautiful. His silky black hair up in a perfect quiff. His right arm covered with tattoos and stubble on his face. Well, hello there, Niall thought. Niall was having a great view from where he was standing, he read the name tag that was attached to the Greek God's shirt.


As soon as Zayn smiled at Niall that perfect smile, and asked him "how may I help you?" Niall knew it was love.


To this day Niall is still dating Zayn. They have been together for three months now and Niall doesn't regret a bit of it. They have their ups and downs, but they get over it with lazy sex and 'sorry's' from each other. Niall could be himself around Zayn, that's what he loves the most. They could hide from the real world inside Zayn's or Niall's flat and cuddle for countless hours. But, there's something Niall is still hiding from both Zayn and Leslie. The don't know about Niall dating the other.


Then there's the day everything goes straight to hell. Paparazzi fuck Niall's life. Niall being the mofo he is goes with Leslie to the zoo because he thinks "why not since it is Thursday" and the paparazzi need some press. It's 2:00PM and they are smiling for the cameras since paparazzi are taking pictures. Niall is a bit nervous, since this is the first time paparazzi take pictures of him and his beard without him covering his face or just looking somewhere else and letting go of her hand because he can't let Zayn see those pictures, so he's always very careful.

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