Niam: Birthday Gift

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NIALL!" Everybody yells as Niall walks in the house with his boyfriend, Liam behind him.

"Liam?" Niall asks, gobsmacked.

"Happy birthday, baby" Liam whispers from behind.


Niall had such an amazing time. His whole class was at the party, and everybody seemed happy to be there. After everybody left and Liam helped Niall carry all the presents to his room, they kissed for a while before Liam left. Niall took a long shower and dressed up with sweats and a tee.

"Nialler?" Niall turns around and sees his brother, Zayn standing at the door.

"Hey, Zee" Niall smiles brightly.

"Need help opening your presents?" Zayn offers, stepping in.

"Sure!" Niall pipes as he sits down on the floor, next to the pile of gifts. Zayn sits across from him.


After opening all the gifts Niall and Zayn are exhausted. When the pick everything up Zayn mumbles a 'be right back'and leaves the room. After a few minutes he comes back with a nicely wrapped box.

"What's that?" Niall smiles as he sits down on his bed.

"This, my young brother, is your birthday gift" Zayn chuckles, sitting next to Niall.

Niall takes the box eagerly and destroys the wrapper, opening the box as if it contained food. When he sees what's inside he gasps. Holy shit.

"Zayn?" Niall breathes.

"Isn't that what you wanted, the sex toys?"

"Yeah, thank you so much" Niall grins. He'll finally have his way with Liam. Liam will be so happy when Niall tells him Zayn got the toys. Gosh, he's so excited. The thing is, Niall and Liam wanted some sex toys to play with each other and now they finally have them.


To: Liam♥

Gosh! You won't believe this, bae. Zayn got us the toys! Xxxx

From: Liam ♥

No way, Ni. When are we using them? *smirk* Can't wait, love xx

To: Liam♥

Oh, aren't we eager, Mr. Payne? *smirks back* What about Saturday? Dads won't be here xx

From: Liam ♥

Sounds perfect, I love you xxx

To: Liam♥

I love you, too, Liam xxx



Niall's startled by his named being yelled from upstairs. Shit. He mutes the telly and passes the remote to Zayn, who's giving him a 'what's wrong?' look. Niall shrugs and walks up the stairs, noticing that his dad, Louis is inside his room, holding the- fuck.

"Uh, hey dad" Niall scratches the back of his neck ackwardly.

"Care to explain why you have these with you?" Louis asks, with the box full of toys on display.


"Harry, love. Would you be a doll and come to Nialls' room?" Louis yells and in a matter of seconds Niall's dad, Harry steps in the room.

"Yeah, boo?" Harry asks the older man.

"Look what our son Niall is up to" Louis gestures to the box on his hands.

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