Larry: Promise You'll Stay

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Louis and Harry stare hard at the door in front of them, the door to hell, the door to their doom. It's funny how they thought coming out was going to be hard, but they never thought it was going to be THIS hard. They've been staring at the door for a good fifteen minutes, and they know they're both insanely late already. Harry turns to Louis and when Louis feels Harry's eyes burning on his right cheek, he turns as well. The silent conversation goes on for a good five minutes, their eyes doing all the talking. Harry exhales.

"Boo, we have to go in, eventually" He says softly, intertwining their fingers and caressing the front of Louis' hand with his thumb.

"I know" Louis sighs, looking down.

Harry adverts his gaze and looks around, there's no one there. He tugs at Louis' hand and Louis knows it's time. He nods, still looking down and squeezes Harry's hand tighter, not wanting to let go just yet, or ever. Harry's his rock, and he knows they can make it, because whatever happens he will still have Harry, forever and always. When Harrry opens the door with his free hand they noticed the halls are empty, considering it's past homeroom by now. The sigh in relief, realizing they have a few more seconds before they expose themselves to the world.

They walk hand in hand to their first period, which is Pre-Calc. When they open the door everyone turns to them, eyes piercing into their skins. Louis feel uncomfortable, moving closer to Harry for protection. Harry wraps his arm around Louis and people gasp, very audibly so if they may add. Harry says nothing and basically drags Louis to their assigned seats, caressing Louis' thigh under the table as soon as they seat down. The whispers start not even ten seconds later. Louis is going insane, his leg bouncing non-stop and Harry brings him closer on instict, noticing the dissaproving look he gets from the teacher, so he has to pull away, sighing deeply.

"Harry, this isn't working" Louis whispers, choking on his words, his blue eyes piercing through Harry's greens.

"Louis, baby, we can do this. Nothing can come between us, remember?" Harry smiles warmly, but heck, he isn't very sure himself if this is working or not.

"We can't let them afect us, yeah? I love you so much, Boo"

"I- I love you, too, Haz" Louis smiles weakly, joining their pinkies carefully.

For the rest of the class the whispers don't stop, but at least their both too mesmerized with each other to mind about the shit people are talking.


When lunch comes around is when things start to go to hell. Harry is waiting till Louis gets his lunch on their usual table, staring boredly at a few flyers here and there about the football game next week. His staring matter finishes when he hears a roar of laughter fill the cafeteria, and fuck no. Louis. All over the floor, his food sprawled, too. Harry's fave turns read and in a millisecond he's helping his boyfriend up.

"Baby, are you okay?" Harry asks, softly, caressing Louis' soft face. Louis looks as if he's going to cry and NOBODY makes HIS Louis cry. NO ONE.

"WHO THE FUCK DFID THIS!?" Harry growls, standing protectively in front of Louis.

"Aww, fag number two to the rescue" Noel, captain of the football team mocks.

"Who are you calling fag, you piece of shit" Harry spits back, anger filling his body like fire.

"Ohh, so you use big ords, huh, Styles?"

Harry steps forward, ready to punch the smirk off Noel's face, but Louis stops him.

"Harry, no! He's not worth it"


"Leave it"

Harry breathes heavily and grabs Louis' hand, walking out of the cafeteria as fast as he can manage, with the sound of "faggots" and "go die in a hole" chasing them.


When last period ends and Louis and Harry go to their respective lockers things get way out of hand. They notice the pack of people surrounding them and how Noel and four of so called team-mates are with him, cracking their knuckles.

"Do you think you can talk to me the way you did and not get your ass kicked, fag?" Noel asks bitterly.

"I can talk to you whoever I want!" Harry spits backm, not again this shit.

"Wrong answer" Noel shakes his head and raises his hand, signalling towards them.

It all happens too soon. Harry is being thrown to the side and Louis is held by Bruce and Marcus, while Jonah throws punches at his stomach. Harry raises his head and hears how Louis is screaming and fighting to get out of Bruce and Marcus' grips.

"LOUIS!" Harry screams, feeling a pang of hurt. He manages to stand up and lunges towards Bruce and MArcus, pushing them aside, punching Marcus square on the face and kicking Bruce repetively as he falls to the ground. He runs to Louis and checks him. There's blood running fown his noise and his chest is full of bruses by now.

"Oh God, this is all my fault" Harry panicks, helping Louis up. Noel goes behind Harry and turns him around, punching him hard, making harry fall to the ground like a ragdoll. He hears how Louis yells his name before he's being kicked in the stomach and everything goes black.


When Harry wakes up he thiks he's blind, because he can't see anything. Once his eye-sight comes back his eyes hurt and he's sensitive to the light. He blink a few times and notics that he's in the nurse's office. He turns his head and gasps. Louis, covered in bandages, looking- lifeless.

"L- Louis" He chokes out, trying to speak louder.

"Louis, baby. Please" Harry reaches over and takes Louis' hand in his, squeezing. When Louis squeezes back Harry starts crying, what if he ahd lost Louis forever?

"Haz, are you crying?" Louis turns his head slowly, re-adjusting his eyes to the light, as well.

"You're here" Harry breathes.

"Of course I am, Haz. I'm not leaving you anytime soon" Louis smiles warmly.

"Do you feel better?"

"Well, the pain I'm feeling isn't exactly pleasant" Louis chuckles.

"You're a manace, Boo" Harry chuckles, as well, loving how Louis can be his bubbly self even though they're full of bandages and in pain.


After a while of laying down and caressing each other hands Louis talks.

"Harry, when we heal, do you think Noel will try to beat us up again?"

"Lou, I will do everything I can to protect you. I won't let that happen again, I wouldn't forgive myself"

"Haz, don't be so hard on yourself, this is a phase. We'll make it through, yeah?"

"Yeah, we will" Harry smiles to the ceiling.

"I love you, Harry"

"I love you, too, Louis"


Louis is still hesistant when they go back to school two days after, he's scared of what will happen. He can't have Harry protecting him all the time because that means Harry will get beat up because of him. When they walk into the school, hand in hand they get the occasional "faggots!" "you deserve to die" "gross!" from quite a few people, but they don't mind anymore. They have each other, thjey don't need anyone else, not now, not ever. And when Louis asks Harry what will happen when they part ways or Harry gets tired of him, but Harry shushes him with long finger and smiles warmly at him,

"I'm not going anywhere, Louis"

"Promise me" Louis whispers, eyelids closing.

"I promise" Harry finished with a soft kiss to Louis' awaiting lips, the taste of tea oh, so familiar. That's how it is, that's how it goes.

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