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"i need to find dan," phil manages to slur out. his eyes are closed as he says it and he is leaning his entire body weight against jack's side; he looks horrible.

"no, you don't," jack says, lowering him onto the barstool in front of them. phil's head immediately falls forward, eyes still closed. "you need water."

"i'm fine." phil's head moves back so it's facing the ceiling and it's so obvious he's way too trashed to even stay awake any longer. "please, where's dan? he told me he's here."

jack sighed as he got water from the fridge for phil so he could hopefully sober up to avoid a hangover. however, he wasn't so sure that was going to work.

"i don't know where he is, phil. i haven't seen him."

"he's here somewhere. i–"

"phil?" a faint voice asked. jack resisted the urge to roll his eyes at dan for just showing up, but stepped aside anyway after shooting him a glare. he knew phil would not stop talking about dan for as long as he was awake so he might as well let it happen. "what are you doing?"

"i'm fucking drunk, what does it look like?" phil took a sip of his water seemingly oblivious that it was most definitely not alcohol. perhaps that was for the best. "can i have a kiss?"

"i don't think so, phil."

"why can't you kiss me? we're dating," he finally opened his eyes after he asked this to give dan a pouty look. dan raised one of his hands to push his boyfriend's hair back off his forehead and rest on his cheek.


it was desperate, on phil's part anyway, dan was barely even reciprocating it. one of phil's hands moved to the back of dan's neck and the other was placed over dan's hand on his own cheek. it was almost a sad sight to see; it was definitely sad to experience.

dan was the one who pulled away first to kiss phil's forehead lightly. he wanted to leave more than anything because this was just too much, but phil's hand had slipped down to wrap around his waist to keep him in place. in any other situation, they would probably still be kissing right now. phil pulled his arm in so dan was forced to sit on his lap, but neither of them really minded. dan just replied to the action with wrapping his arms around phil's shoulders and forcing his head into his neck.

"why don't you love me anymore?"

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