𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙮 𝙁𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜

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(a/n: Hello lovelies, these will be ever so slightly longer than the other scenarios but it's worth it :) I hope lol. Unedited, as always.)

Namjoon ;

Getting bored of the movie playing on TV in front of your boyfriend and yourself , you swing one leg over Namjoon, straddling him. He is a bit taken aback but smiles at you nonetheless.

You cup his dimpled cheeks in your soft palms and swoop your head down to peck his lips,when you're stopped by his hand that covers your mouth. You playfully pout, hoping he caves but he shakes his head, "No no no, you promised you'd watch this with me Y/N," Namjoon narrows his eyes at you as you shoot him puppy dog eyes.

"Nope. Not working this time," he smiles at you being adorable. You cross your arms over your chest. Namjoon feeling slightly guilty, yet amused he pokes at your sides, making you squirm on his lap, almost spitting in the poor man's face because of the laugh erupting from your gut.

" N-Namj-oon!! St-op!" you laugh hysterically while trying to get your boyfriend to have some mercy. "NEVVEERR!!!" he evilly laughs out as you roll onto the couch, shoulder blades flat against the soft surface. Namjoon would hover over your form that his now out of breath. He would admire your bare features before chuckling at your breathless state. He would then give you butterfly kisses all over your face, making you giggle in contentment.

Taehyung ;

Taehyung would be sprawled out on his bed along with all his papers that were covered in music notes and lyrics. You would be at his desk, scrolling through your ig feed before letting out a dramatic sigh, side eyeing your boyfriend, seeing if it caught his attention or not. Taehyung, not fully lifting his gaze off of his note book, but giving a quick glance your way without you noticing.

Another dramatic sigh escapes your lips. Taehyung would purse his lips, trying not to smile at your cute form all while acting oblivious.

You would give up, rolling your eyes and turning your attention towards your phone. Less than two seconds of turning around, you'd feel hands wrapping around your waist and Taehyung giggle in your ear. Pursing your lips, you'd shake him off, giving him a hard time and would get up, trying to make your way towards the bed, before having him pick you up from behind, "Oh no you don't," Taehyung would smile.

Taehyung would turn you onto your back, flat on the bed before hovering over your form trying to peck your lips but you dodge it while the both of you chuckle until your tummy's hurt. However, seeing him pout and his eyes grow to the most adorable round orbs, you eventually cave, letting him kiss you. When he pulls away, an adorable boxy smile spreads across his beautiful features, "I win," Taehyung says before stealing one last kiss.

Yoongi ;

You'd surprise attack Yoongi from behind, jumping onto his back, using the element of surprise to your advantage. Yoongi, unfazed by your attempts, would carry on walking as you dangle from his back. "No fair," you would pout.

"Y/N, when are you going to just give up and admit that I don't scare easy?" he would chuckle. "Never, I'll get you to flinch one of these days," you'd let out dramatically, yet very determined.

Yoongi would grin, before swinging you around his form, so that you now had your legs wrapped around his torso, before pecking your nose, "I love you," he would let out a contented sigh before hugging your form closer to his.

Jimin ;

The two of you would be in your room as you attack Jimin with tickles while he'd laugh his small adorable laugh and playfully run around while trying to escape.

Jimin would eventually turn around and gently grab at your wrists while both of you are still laughing hysterically. Before you knew it, he was now the one ambushing 𝘺𝘰𝘶 with tickles. Your out of breath form now whining for him to stop, "Ji-min!" you'd laugh.

Having you close enough to him, both still with huge smiles, he would pull you in. Both of your chests, brushing up against each other, you'd playfully try and escape his hold from around your waist and lower back.

"Let me go Park," you'd pout, refraining from holding onto him as well but instead crossing your arms over your chest. A smug grin would appear on the handsome boy's lips before he'd lean in, lips close to your ear, close enough for you to feel his hot breath on you blushing cheek, "Make me."

Hoseok ;

Feathers. Feathers everywhere as you and Hoseok swing big, white fluffy pillows at each other while playfully running around the room. Trying to make your escape towards the bedroom door, you'd hear him close behind you.

"Gottcha!" he'd say, before he'd turn you around, pick you up and sling you over his shoulder. "Put me down Hobi!" you'd try and sound assertive but would fail when a chuckle escapes your mouth.

"Nope. You're coming with me princess," he'd say before making his way out the bedroom door. "While I'm here," unable to contain yourself, you take a good swing and smack his butt. Hosoek would jump a little, slightly surprised and now a little flushed.

You giggle when you can practically feel the heat radiating off his cheeks onto your upper thigh that still lay comfortably near his face. "My mans got cakkkkeee," you'd tease. (a/n: lmao it's 2am and I'm tired okay :3 )

Jungkook ;

Jungkook would offer to arm wrestle. He would rest his elbow on the table and wiggle his fingers for you to take,which you would. "Oh wipe that smug grin off your face maknae," you'd tease. Jungkook would simply chuckle before counting down, "3,2,1 GO!"

Jungkook would easily push your hand closer towards the table, but seeing you huff and puff, he'd ease up and allow you to pin his hand down first. "Yes! Told you I'd win pretty boy," you'd smugly let out.

You'd try to pull your hand out of his grip, but he'd hold on tighter, "What? Wanna lose again?" you fake pout. Jungkook would gently tuck at the hand he still held on to, and pull you so that your bodies were now against one another. Feeling his hands wrap around your lower waist, you'd wrap your arms lamely around his neck. Jungkook would lean in, lips near your ear before whispering, "Jeon Cena bitch!" before picking you up and yeeting you onto the bed.

(a/n: I was struggling with Jungkook's one, and this is what I ended up writing O-O)

Jin ;

Jin would have you pinned on the couch, both of you laughing hysterically. Jin laughing his window wiper like laugh, just made you laugh louder and harder. "You, you sound-" you are cut off by your own laughter, unable to contain it.

Jin would straddle you, while you throw playful punches to his chest, "Oh not the face, not the face!" He would say, only half joking. Jin would play along by putting his hand to his chest and scrunch his face from the "pain".

"Ohhhh! Y/N!! That hurt!" he would whine while rolling off of you and onto the floor. Laughing, you would sit up, waiting for your boyfriend to stop playing around and sit back up. He doesn't. Hand on his chest, body on the floor, Jin is still in pain. "Babe? You okay?" you laugh, "Jin?" your voice wavers when he doesn't sit up. Jumping off the couch and to your boyfriend's aid, you start to slightly panic.

"Jin?" you practically beg. Your hands now on his face, your stomach knots. Slowly turing his head towards you, face still scrunched, he whispers, "Gotcha," before holding onto his stomach and rolling around on the floor laughing his unique laugh. Jin would stop however when seeing you pout, shift towards you before holding your cheeks in his palm and placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. You would close your eyes and immediately move into your boyfriend's touch.

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