Chapter 1: Assault On Rykers Industries

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BAM! There I am, smack dab in the middle of an argument...right before 'go-time'.

"Rose!" "Sapphire!" I yelled.

These two really have some maturing to do. I can't focus on the next part of the plan. It's the four of us; Me, Sapphire, Rose and my best friend Mckao. Me and Mckao are witches and Rose and Sapphire are evolved humans. Cool right? Magic? Powers? You'd think life would be sweet right? Wrong. In a city filled with Aliens, Powered People and Super-criminals you'd think they would have more respect for us magic folk, but they don't. They wont...ever.

"Shhhh! Get Low.." I whisper.

We are currently underneath a glamour spell outside of the largest industrial company for Opal City; Rykers Indsutries.

Mckao casted the glamour a while ago...the time for planning is over, its time to press forward.

Sorry, I can get scattered sometimes, but my name is Ostan Spearman. I come from a long line of powerful witches in Opal City. Actually, Minerva Spearman (See: "Salem") is the last real witch to burn here in Binary Township centuries ago. Well, that is partly to blame for why we are about to sneak attack Opal's largest money maker. City Hall doesnt respect us witches. It literally took the Witch Riots, which were started last week, for them to even acknowledge that magic even exists. This town is home to people with abnormal abilities and creatures from other planets, yet its so unfathomable that magic and spells are real. So because they don't recogonze us , we are treated like third class. We just want acknowledgement , thats all. Our High Priestess cant make laws, help out with witch health problems or anything, we have to they can pay attention.

"I can't hold this much longer, yall argue to much for me"  says Mckao.

He's sitting with his legs crossed, chanting underneath his breath. His dreaded black hair was glistening with sweat; he was visibly tired.

The surrounding temperatures began to drop, meaning that the spell was waning.

"Okay...." I start

"....When I count to three; Mckao, drop the spell, and that door and the window straight ahead....there are two men just on the otherside...and they are evolves".

"You can sense all that from here?" asks Sapphire.

"Yes, now focus Saph...your target is that gate, Rip It.....Rip It good." I say with a smile, putting on my headphones. What? Music helps me focus.

"1...2...3!" I yell.

Mckao lets out a gasp as the spell drops. Rose puts both hands on his mouth and begins to direct a E minor hum towards the door behind the gate in front of us. The alarm sounds as it detects the presence of Evolved Humans. The massive metal gate that block our path to the building began to rattle and shake. It begins to shred as Sapphire raises his hands.

"MOVE!" I yell.

We break into a run towards the door. My eyes light up purple when I yell;


The brick that makes up the building begins to frost over until it shatters like broken glass. We are past the gate now, Sapphire is in the lead, I'm behind Rose (who's humming is intensifying) and Mckao is catching up behind me. With the walls of the building exposed, two armed men came crawling from the rubble holding the sides of their head, trying to escape Rose's Hum. The flower tattoo on his hand, and his eyes begin to glow a hot red as he moved closer to his victims.

"Rose?!" ,
Sapphire yells.

"ROSE??!" Hey!", yells Mckao.
He gpes to put a hand on Roses shoulder.

Rose shuts his eyes and stops humming.

"I'm so sorry...I didnt mean-" Rose begins but his voice trails off.

"Its okay, just calm down", says Mckao.

Rose steps back and me and Mckao exchange looks. This is not the time for Verxomine to wear off. Mckao puts his arm around Rose's shoulder and shoots me a look. He nods toward the men that were still on the floor with their ears bleeding I take my headphones off and do a hand gesture.

"Fortis!" I say.

Both mens bodies were pulled together like magnets. When i flip my hand, their bodies jerk and position themselves in front of me. My magic is no joke. I smile, this is my favorite part. I lean forward and pull a walkie from one of the men's belt.

"Call Roman Ryker...tell him that he has some visitors at the front gate"

I said into the walkie, just as Rose, Sapphire and Mckao approach from behind me.

Ostan Spearman ; Opal City's  Adventurer Where stories live. Discover now