Chapter 2: The Vooduns

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"YOU DID WHAT?!" High Priestess Voodun shouted.

We are at the 'Meeting Grounds', which is a place in Lance's Battlefield that witches go to for prayer time or group pow-wow sessions like this one here. However... this one was different, its my day in Witch Court and the High Priestess doesnt look all. Torches are lit because the Sun is setting. They flicker dimly on the High Priestess's mocha colored skin. She looked inviting...but her energy spoke otherwise. She sat on her huge elevated, Black and Jade limestone throne chair, that was carved by the first indians. Her children; Taylor and Myeisha Voodun sat in their own chairs at her feet. They didnt look pleased either. The Vooduns are like witch royalty....well that to me. I always felt like Taylor and Myeisha were jealous that their mother treated me like her own. The rest of the coven sat in stone bleacher like seats that formed a circle around the Vooduns seats. I stood nervously in front of them.

"....I...left Rose, Sapphire and-" I begin quietly with my head down.

"-Speak up, Lame" Myeisha snarls with her legs crossed.

Some of the other coven members snicker and giggle. Taylor scoffs.

"My daughter as a point..." High Priestess says sternly.

I look up and raise my voice an octave;

"They got captured....and I had to leave!! Or otherwise I would've gotten captured too!....Me and Mckao were escaping when we got i came back here...I didnt know what to do!", I stammer.

The coven began to clamor. High Priestess began wrapping her hair up that hung to her shoulders like silk. The coven gets quiet, and as she got up, she spoke;

"Rose Emory and Sapphire Cooley are expendable because they are Evolves....they know their role in our civil war....Mckao Munroe is a warlock, your brother and the key to winning City Hall in our favor! You were NOT to come back with out him."

She stood in front of me, her pale blue eyes against her dark skin seemed to look at my soul.

"This was supposed to be assured me-"

High Priestess starts.

"-You shouldve just sent us mother"

interrupts Taylor Voodun filing his nails.

High Priestess turns and gives Taylor a look. She takes a breath.

"You assured me that the 4 of you had it handled" she says softly.

"We had it High Priestess, swear...we had Rasputin right were we wanted him...but Rose's Vertoxmine wore off and-"

I began but my excuses only pissed her off even more.

"YOU ARE A SPEARMAN!" High Priestess explodes.

"You shouldnt have to rely on an evolved!! Now, Mckao one of our best scryers is missing or captured??"

"Mother?" Taylor and Myeisha say at the same time.

"You should teach him a lesson",

they say in unison but their voices were distorted like a slowed down record player.

Scare tactics. Great, as if im not already pissing my pants from their mother.

"Creepy," I mutter.

"Look, I promise ill bring him back," I plead.

Suddenly the coven began to stomp and chant;


High Preistess waves her hand to the coven. "


she says going back to her throne to sit down.

"Do not return to this coven until you have located Mckao. You are not even to re-join this fight nor this coven unil you have return my child and your brother back home to me."

High Priestess says sternly.

Her voice softens for a little;

"Listen to me...I am only this hard on you because sometimes I dont think you know how important you really are."

My heart is already in my pants at this point. Mckao has been my friend since we were both in foster care. Even after leaving his home with the Munroe's , he came live with me and the Vooduns. The Munroe's are very famous in Opal and yet he still cherished our time together as if we were really brothers. After high school, Mckao and I, got an apartment in Binary Township and never looked back, and never thought about our adoptive parents again. I mean...would they even recognize me? Its only been 3 years but still? But its worth a try, I have no where else to go until I find Mckao.

High Priestess isn't always this rigid but the Witch Riots have her on edge. Which is totally understandable. But she is placing alot of faith in me just because of one vision. Apparently, back in the day, The Voodun's first ancestor who settled here...Allistor Voodun, had a premonition that a Spearman witch would save witch-kind by defeating some myseterious enity, and from that "Witch and Human existence would finally be balanced". Whatever that means. I think she has the wrong Spearman. I put my head down.

"Dont cry", says the Siblings mocking me with their magic creepy voices.

"Enoughhh" says High Priestess in a tone.

Instantly the siblings began to scream as their lips seemed to be sowed together by an invisible string. The Coven snickers and laughs. High Priestess picks a leaf of a nearby branch and stands up from her seat. She goes to the nearest torch and places the leaf at the tip of the flame. It ignites and instantly a map of Binary Township is singed into the small leaf.

"Here at the Well," High Preistess says.

The Map then burns into a depiction of Lance's Battlefield with an specific area still smoking, indicating The Well.

"I have something here that will give you aide in finding your brother" she continued.

She opens her hand and leaf gets picked up by a gust of wind, it blows and gently lands in my hands.

"NOW GO!" yells High Preistess.

"NOW GO!" repeats the Siblings.

"NOW GO!" shouts the Coven.

Ostan Spearman ; Opal City's  Adventurer Where stories live. Discover now