Chapter 3: The Begining

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As I locked me and Mckaos apartment door for the last time, and as I turn the key....memories of our  good times flashes in my head....

Our apartment, is located in the 6th ward which is all Witch Territory. I'm not supposed to come back here, until I find my best friend. The map that the High Priestess gave me, labeled a well in the 9th Ward in Lance's Battfield,  near Fares and Fairies.

Fares and Fairies; is a Ferry Boat system that takes you from island to island in Opal City, by traveling through the body of water; Melinda's Lake, that separates them. After catching the news segment on TV earlier, it is apparent that City Hall is covering up the Assualt on Rykers Industries as a gas leak. Also, the commercial for the newly built "Melissa's Mental Institution for the Colorfully Enhanced" was shown on TV as well. So I figure the first place to start was there and that's in Canary Springs. High Priestess wanted to give me something to help, so I figure that I hit The Well, then hop on the Ferry to bust Mckao out of Melissa's Institute.

I went out My building's back doors and I started to think about all the possible outcomes that might occur when I go visit my adoptive parents.  They actually live near Melissa's Institute. I hope they don't react different when I find out that I am a-


I had just entered the forest from the back parking lot, when I began to sense a crazy power surge. It felt like a witch but it wasn't and I could feel that they had power like an evolve. This feeling was new, but very familiar. I had stop walking for a second to try to get a better sense.


I turn my head sharply.

"I know you're there"!

I said aloud.

I whisper,

"..Bacillus Concerta..."

Seconds Later I hear a scream,


The scream came from behind a nearby  tree to my left.

I raise my hand, then my eyes light up purple. I jump from around the tree to see the prize that I have caught. 

This spell I used is a vine animation spell, taught to me by my best friend. When I saw her, my jaw dropped. She was stunning. She pulled at vines viciously.

"Hey!" I yelled up.

The Vines had her suspended. Our eyes locked and she stop fighting.

"It's you," she says in a huff.

"Yeah it's me, I'm Ostan" I said with a purple eyed smile.

Ostan Spearman ; Opal City's  Adventurer Where stories live. Discover now