Chapter 10: The Break-out

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"Welcome to Melissa's Institution for the Colorfully Enhanced, how may I help you?"

The Receptionist was your average lady at a desk. She had long red finger-nails that kept most of her attention. Her white Orderly uniform was bright against her dark colored skin. When she looked at the guard who wheeled me in the building in a wheelchair, she made a sucking motion with her mouth. Her red lipstick that matched her fingernails moved about as she chewed gum.

She exhaled,

"I said...Welcome to Melissa's Institute for the Colorfully Enhanced, how may I help you?"

She obviously did not want to be working today.

The guard who was standing in front of me now didn't respond, but that was my fault. That's because he's under a spell. I hexed some guard in the back of the building so I can get inside with out blowing anything up. Mckao gave me specific instructions...I just have to make it inside...unseen. According to Mckao the whole building is fitted with power dampeners. And with Opal City just now coming to understanding of Magic and it properties, Mckao was able to spin a very good lie. See they think since, they separated Mckao from his Book of Shadows, they think he's powerless. Fools. Magic comes from within, no book makes me a bad ass. Or my bestfriend. Since Rose and Sapphire are evolves we are going to rely on magic to get out.

I wagged my pinky and my index fingers in a swirling motion behind the wheelchair, the guard spoke;

"Uhhh, I have a patient here ...he has powers...he needs to be locked away"

He stutters.

My bad, I don't know what guards would say in a mental facility.

She rolled her eyes and exhaled. She reached behind her and grabbed a clipboard.

"Bad custmer service"

I mutter from my chair.

She must of heard me cause she stopped in her tracks and waved her hand.

"Uhh-hh what did he just say?"

She looked at the guard. The Guard looked back me. I looked at her. Me and the guard shrug.

She exhaled again,

"Okay, so what can he do?"

She pulled out a pen from her chest pocket and clicked it.

I faked a yawn and moved my pinky finger.

The Guard spoke;

"Patient can generate low moving particles that can cause an array of meteorological-"

The Receptionist lady just sat there with her jaw open and pen still pressed on the clipboard.

Okay maybe that was a little to much. I scratch my nose with my index finger, the guard spoke once more,

"He can make things really really cold."

She looked at me like she didn't believe him. I flashed a crazy smile and gave her a demonstration.

Her pen gained frostbite before shattering in her hand. She didn't look impressed. She pulled another pen out from her chest pocket and clicked it in. She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, we have a lot of those in here... take him to the waiting room beyond those doors and a doctor from the Cryo department will come and speak with you"

Ostan Spearman ; Opal City's  Adventurer Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang