Chapter 5: The Cave

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I didn't know Lances Battlefield had ran that deep though Binary Township. It felt like we were walking for hours. Well, maybe I am exaggerating just a little. We stayed in our own heads for a while, as the twilight began to fade, we walked  in silence. A few minutes passed by, when she turned to face me, her wild hair blowing gently in the wind.

"We are here.." She says softly.

"Wait, what? We are where? Where is here?" I say in a blur.

I began to scratch my head. I think she really is batty.

"I mean...Where are we going to set up camp at?"

I ask slowly trying not to offend her again.

She smiled.

"What do you mean? We can sleep here silly. Here in the Cave."  she says darkly.

"What Cav-"  I begin to ask.

Just then, she smiles and turns forward and raises both of her hands.

Bluish Purple Energy waves come from her hands and then suddenly;


Out of thin air there is an entrance to a huge cave.

I stood there with my jaw open. It was like it literally appeared from nowhere. One of the first things about being a Witch; is the ability to "sense" your area. It's how I was able to feel those guards behind the building wall when we took down Rykers Industries.

"I'll go get wood Boy Scout.."

she pokes, breaking me from my thoughts.

I was still marveling at this magic act.

"Wait , Wait... the hell is this!?"  I say shocked.

I didnt know what else to say, Im still trying to understand.

Katrina didn't say a word. She just stared at me , staring at the Cave.

I broke the silence.

" I could feel the energy coming from the cave now..... but I couldn't before.... please explain?"

I asked. 

She takes my hand and leads me to the Entrance of this massive hollowed cave that seemed to go on fovever.  The cavern walls had two long rows, one on each side, of unlit torches that went as long as the cave did. Katrina goes and yanks one of the torch handles from out the wall. She struggled a little but before I could help her she had already had it in her hands.

"Would you mind?"  she asks me looking down at the torch.

I grabbed her hands as she held it.  We made eye contact.

"Solice!" I say.

The torch in our hands ....and then ...all the other torches on the walls lights up. Even the ones that we couldn't see further inside. I didn't mean to do that honestly...I was just excited.

She rolls her eyes.

"Sorry," I blushed.

Still holding hands,  we walk further into the cave.  The further we walk, I noticed there are cave drawings on the wall. They clearly look like they were painted hundreds of years ago. Katrina cleared her throat.

"My people used this cave as a last resort during the founding of this great city you fight over so much, but before that....our people lived in peace",

she tells me.

"Our people?..... as in Psychics and Witches?" 

I ask.

Ostan Spearman ; Opal City's  Adventurer Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant