Chapter 11: The Plot Thickens (Final Chapter)

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"Get outside!"

Shouted Mckao from the Walkie-Talkie in my hand.

Yeah easier said than done I looked at the blonde girl once more and my eyes lit up purple. People are still panicking from outside the hallway, muffled yells of confusion could be heard from the door. I walked up towards the shattered wall and let out an extremely large gust of cold air from my mouth. It created an icy pathway from the window all the way to the ground. I was only on the second floor. Before I left, I looked at the blonde still in same position one last time. The alarms, nor my magic disturbed her. I waved my hand in her direction to heal some of her condition. Something felt familiar about her and I felt bad. I wanted to help out. I don't know how good magic can do against mental disorders so hopefully It did something. I jumped onto the ice and slid down to the ground. I ran backwards to see the chaos; the whole building was an uproar,  alarms flashing, people yelling.... it was a mess. Just then there was an explosion from the third-floor. I covered my head as to not get hit with any debris and as I look up, tree branches from the nearest tree.... seem to spring to life as they extend and bend into large vines. These vines then reach into the shattered wall where the explosion originated. The vines reached inside the building and pulled back out and in its clutches, were Mckao, Rose and Sapphire. The vines slowly placed them on the ground before dying off. Now that was a  vine animation spell was done right!! 

I ran in their direction,


I yelled.

He pulled back his long black dreads to make me out, 

"Ostan?!? Bro!!!"

He yelled once he recognized me. We hugged each other for a second.

"Ok....can you guys get a room....we have to move"

Says Sapphire.

"He's right you guys we have to go!!!"

Yells Rose.

"Hey! We need to stop to get my book 1st!"

says Mckao

Mckao leads the way.

The trip back to Fairs and Ferries was much more fun than the trip there. But Mckao barely spoke. As we arrived at the Ferry in Canary Springs, Rose and Sapphire begin to talk about how crazy and wild Melissa's Institution was, I caught up with Mckao who is still leading the way. He's always calculating and planning. I wanted to tell him about my whole trip. But something about him was off. The whole way back he's been distracted by something. I tried to grab is attention.

"Hey, Bro my journey here was not easy....I'm so glad I found you guys"

I express

Mckao turns to look at me,

"Yeah , thanks man....I really do mean that and Opal City is definitely not the place to be without powers".

"Wait! Wait! That's right!!!  It was you!! How did you know I lost my powers??"

I asked puzzled.

Mckao's been locked up since like Chapter 1. He couldn't have possibly known that. Mckao moves his head like he can feel something.

"What's going on?? What aren't you telling

I ask putting my hands on his shoulders.

Mckao looks up at the sky, eyeballs twitching like he's examining each star.

"...I'm just glad...she kept her side of the deal..... Oh No....Ostan....what did you do?"

ask Mckao still looking at the sky, his eyebrows curling up.

"Bro, I'm lost,"

I say sharply.

"Did you grab Jeremy's Journal.... like High Priestess wanted you to? Did you read it??"

He said raising his voice

"Yeah....but how did you"-

I began,

But Mckao turns his head to look at me his face was sweating.

"Look bro, 3 months ago,  while I was scrying, I got a vision that was Opal City was burning.....and amongst the rubble was our dead bodies and some others I do not yet recognize and I've been trying to change it for weeks now.....Something else happened that I can't really get into without it changing things...... but I ended up time jumping.... this was my last jump.... I guess now we just have to wait and find out...."

"Wait! So you knew I would lose my powers??!!  You knew you would get caught?!!"

I almost yell, getting almost mad.

"....Kind of..... look.... the journal is important that other stuff isn't...Jeremy Ryker is a Founding Family Member,  his mother is Vivian Ryker,  he is the key to this whole thing"

Mckao replies through his calculations.

Rose and Sapphire caught up to catch our conversation.

"Slow down,  I'm confused  you're not making any sense.... Key to what?"

I asked.

Mckao's eyes begin to go back-and-forth, he looked at Rose, then Sapphire and then at me.

"I've been racking my brain the whole time while I was in Melissa's Institute trying to figure out the precise moment in time where she would awaken, I fear that we have to go back.....back to the very beginning....and with no more time jumps left.... Jeremy Ryker must be the key to saving us all...."

Ostan Spearman ; Opal City's  Adventurer Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon