Chapter 8: Canary Springs

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"Welcome to Canary Springs! Opal City's hub for Science and Technology!"

The loudspeaker on the Canary ferry dock was loud and blaring. Too cheerful if you ask me. Canary Springs is definitely a step up from Binary Township. Its so bright and shiny, towering buildings and gleaming windows populate the whole island. There is little to no nature here like in Binary Township. Instead there are sections of gardens and parks surrounded by sidewalks and lamp posts. When I arrived at the Canary Dock, I got off and immediately began my trip to the 12th ward. That's where the "Melissa's Mental Institution for the Colorfully Enhanced" is located. Opal City never had a real system of locking up evolves over the years. The first attempt was Melissa's Island. It was a massive prison off the coast of The Heights. Melissa's Island burned down back in 2012. I guess this is City Hall's 2nd attempt. That's a good idea to build one in the middle of Canary Springs since its the most technology advanced. Thanks to Lady Munroe, god rest her soul, there must be a place mandated by the state of California to prison the evolves. I learned that in school too. Too bad I'm going to going to cause a ruckus in the newly built building. I say cause a 'ruckus' because I still don't have my powers.  As I boarded the bus to the 12th ward, I wondered how I will break Mckao and my friends out of Melissa's Institute without any magic. I was definitely gonna need some firepower. These thoughts plagued my mind during my bus trip. So, I pulled out Jeremey's Journal to read until I reached my stop.

"1533 August, 10th

I must say, this new land proved to be prosperous. The soil they have is rich with elements and chemicals released from the savages when the die. I think I can design a machine that would literally pull energy from the air using these elements and chemicals. If my hypothesis is correct after a years end I would have such machine fully functional! Mother and Dorian left for the island that was most populated by the savages. Through the fear, the inhabitants have hailed her as some sort of deity. They have created Djinn's Arc Of the Covenant who strictly follow Dorian's and Mothers religious nonsense..."

"Now approaching the 12th ward"

The bus's loudspeaker shook me from my reading.

The more I read this journal, the more I question if I'm the one who was really supposed to receive it. It always leaves me with more questions than what I started. I pulled the string and got off the bus in the middle of the street. I headed for the next corner. As I approached, my head began to split with pain. But this didn't feel like Katrina. It felt Magic! I crumbled to the ground with pain. Without my powers, I do experience pain more intensely than a regular human. I caught myself with both palms when I fell. Then suddenly, the concrete began to tremble and shake. Letters began to draw and be etched in the ground in front of me, just inches from my hands.

"119th and Nicholas Blvd"

The Letters scribble

Then words began to echo everywhere in my head, the voice was familiar.

"Go there... go!!"

"Mckao!!??" "Mckao??!!"

I called out to the sky. But without magic he couldn't hear me. I pulled myself up quickly. I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and put the address in my GPS. For some odd reason, that address seemed familiar. Nevertheless, I proceeded to my destination. The GPS said it was only 5 mins away from where I am now. That's not bad. I began to walk. As walked I examined my environment. This neighborhood seemed peaceful. The houses on this block almost all look identical, except for the occasional doormat and decorated mailbox.

The GPS says I'm a 1 minute from my destination.

I began to look harder at the houses to identify the address. This block seemed all to familiar, and as I kept on with my investigation.... I figured out why. I used to live here before. Back when I was little when I stayed with my adoptive parents. The house on the corner of 119th and Nicholas Blvd, was my old home. I grew up here. Flash backs of me playing with my friends on this block danced in my hands. I approached the front yard. The house was smaller than I remember. Maybe it was so big because I was so small. I smiled. The white picket gate to the front yard was waist high, and it was protecting a large apple tree that hung over the front porch, that gave the house a peculiar shade. Ripe apple and Dead apples a a like , lie scattered about the vibrant green grass. The mailbox was labeled:

"W. Baxter"

With letters and mail overflowing the tiny box.


A voiced called out.

I struck one of my battle poses. But then I realized that I don't have any powers, so I stood there awkwardly with my fist balled up. Seconds later a heavy set black woman with super high tech suit kicks open the door and cocks a shot-gun at my direction.

"How can you see this house?!"

She demanded angrily.

"Wait , what ?! I used to live-"

I say fast putting my hands up, walking slowly towards her.

Yeah I definitely need new ways to settle conflict with no powers.

"Don't move any closer, or I'll take you out"

She says.

Her hair if she had any, was underneath a beeping helmet. I could only see her mouth. But I could tell from her stance and her jawline that she meant business.

"My name is Ostan Spearman, I was sent here?"

I say suddenly.

High Priestess always says, the truth would set you free.

The woman's jawline softens up. She slowly lowers the gun.

"Your Ostan Spearman?"

She asks softly.

My hands still raised I say,


"Thank god, my name is Tanya Baxter, I work with the Supernatural Taskforce, I have something for you.."

Ostan Spearman ; Opal City's  Adventurer Where stories live. Discover now