Story 11: Ku Teito

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Previously gathered experience on Buddy Police by watching, now Ku has become a Buddy Police office and has grown throughout taking on difficult missions.

While on an investigation mission into the abnormal activity on gates linking Earth and the Buddy World, Ku suspects that this could be the cause of a conspiracy instead of the actions of an individual.

From Card Burn's support, an elite force of super Robots "Super Friends Machine Squad" was established and works hard daily for justice.

Although the details are unclear, she self-proclaims to be .... an adult lady.


"Super Robots".

That is the name of a Super Robot Force with unwavering courage and burning souls, established by the Buddy Police and Hero World in order to protect Earth from the threats from parallel worlds that have continued to increase over recent years!!!!!!

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"Tch, looks like I can't get away."

The bearded man who found himself cornered in a back alley made a sound of irritation, and turned around. Before him stood a petite young girl who stood with her left hand on her hip, and her right arm pointed directly at him.

"Stop right there, indeed! Give up, and surrender without resisting!"

"...Huh? Oh, whew. I thought those rats from the Buddy Police had found me, but now that I take a second look, it's just a kid."

"Wha-?! I am not a kid, indeed! This officer's name is [Ku Teito], a fully-accredited member of the Buddy Police!"

"Uh huh, sure thing, why don't you go play Buddy Police and Robbers with your little friends, okay?"

"I-I'm not playing, indeed!"

"Sure, sure, of course you're not playing."

"Rrrrgh! This man is ticking me off, indeed! I'm arresting him, indeed!"

"Well, I'm kinda busy, so..."

"Stop. You are under suspicion of conducting secret communications with multiple illegal monsters, and interfering with gates to parallel worlds without authorization. You are ordered to accompany us to the Buddy Police headquarters."

As the bearded man attempted to sneak past Ku, he heard a young man's voice ring out from nowhere in particular.

"?! Are you... Card Burn?!"

The bearded man's expression stiffened at once.

And no wonder.

The small humanoid robot standing on the young Ku Teito's shoulder was Card Burn. A Brave Machine with a heart full of justice, he had a long history of cooperating with the Buddy Police. He often shrank down his body so that it didn't get in the way, but his true form was far larger than a human.

 He often shrank down his body so that it didn't get in the way, but his true form was far larger than a human

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