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FOUR MILLION YEARS LATER, Spike Witwicky was driving to school in his pickup truck. He got out and walked into school as he saw his friend Chip Chase, "Hey Chip! What's up?" Chip smiled, "Nothin' much, just working on a new computer of sorts." Spike smiled, "Oh wow! You gotta show me sometime." Chip smiled, "That'd be awesome! When?" Spike shrugged, "Whenever you want. Maybe this weekend, if Carly rejects me." They giggled, "So you sent the DM?" Spike nodded, "Yeah. I feel like she's seen it but won't read it. Ya know?" Chip nodded as he rolled his wheelchair with Spike. The kid rolled his eyes as he pushed Chip, "C'mon man. You need the arm strength for that computer." They giggled as they walked on.

Outside, Hoist was disguised as Spike's truck as he saw Hot Rod drive up, "Any word from anyone?" Hoist sighed, "Just you and the Wreckers. I'm getting worried." Hot Rod sighed, "Me too. Some of the cons are still out there. Sky Lynx said he has yet to find Dealer's location." He said as Hoist chuckled, "Well at least all of you guys get to have the fun. I'm on guardian duty for this kid. If I leave he'll report me missing and then everyone will know we're here." Hot Rod interrupted, "Including the Cons... I can't believe they're still out there."
"It seems very wrong. But none of their bigger cons have been heard from for a long time... But we must keep looking for the others. Take care buddy." Hoist chuckled, "Yeah I need it. This kid might have a date." Hot Rod chuckled and drove off, "Adios Hoist!" Hoist sighed as he waited for the day to be over.

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