Chapter 5- Permanent

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Anja's face snapped up, eyes wide and pale face turning pink, as she recalled the symbol on her body and its location. Surely, though, this could not have been what he meant. "Um, sure, I'll, uh, quickly draw it for you." She laid the book on the back of the couch, leaving it open to the page on which she left off, and walked over to the altar, where Carlisle was standing with his hands clasped behind him. He stared unwaveringly as she grabbed a piece of parchment and a fountain pen before slowly and carefully beginning to draw the symbol, drawing slowly so her shaking hand did not mess up the sigil. Her blushing deepened with embarrassment at him seeing her blush because of such a simple question she had created such a dumb response to in her head. The butler walked around the altar to stand next to her, peering attentively over her shoulder and noticing the blushing in its entirety. "It resembles a key, but, with the way the prongs are pointed, I think it could be some sort of protection or banishment."
The corner of Carlisle's mouth twitched. "What has you interested in such a symbol? Did you see it somewhere?"
Anja clenched her jaw. "Yes, I saw it carved into a tree."
Carlisle nodded with a tiny grin, knowing this was also a lie. "I see. I will leave you to it, then." The butler stood up straight and started walking away.
Anja sighed. "Wait, please."
Carlisle stopped and pivoted on his heel, looking at the witch with a tiny grin and a raised eyebrow, his expression full of interest. "Yes, madam?"
"I have been lying to you this whole time. I'm sorry."
The butler's expression softened, his grin becoming gentle. "There is no need for apologies, my Lady," he assured her.
"The symbol is on me." She fidgeted with the strings of her sweatpants. "I first saw it in the hospital."
Carlisle tapped a gloved finger to his lips. "The symbol is on your skin?" Anja nodded. "May I see it?" he repeated in the same manner as before. Anja's eyes went wide, her face turning red again. Numerous curses and swears floated in her mind as she timidly pulled down the waistband of her sweatpants to the bottom of the symbol, exposing the entirety of her stomach since her top didn't cover it. Carlisle scowled as he walked over and got down on one knee in front of her to get a closer look. Anja had to stop herself from backing away. She flinched a little as his index and middle finger brushed lightly, the silk of his glove smooth and surprisingly warm, against the symbol.
"I, uh, scrubbed at it until it was raw. It's definitely permanent," Anja informed him, her voice a little shaky as goosebumps rose on her soft, smooth, and slightly cool skin.
"Hmm." He let out a long sigh through his nose before looking up at her, his eye contact unwavering as he rose to stand, now looking down at her. Anja was the same height as before the amputations, but Carlisle was still several inches taller than her. "As someone who is deeply concerned about your health, being your butler, this is worrisome to me, especially if you don't know what it is or how it got there." His eyebrows were knit together and his lips were bent into a frown. Anja brought the waistband of her sweatpants back up, thankful that the awkwardness was over, though she was pretty sure she was the only one who found it awkward. Anja nodded. "Though I wish to know the answer as much as you do, I must advocate for your health, which is not being helped by you staying up late into the night studying and walking and standing for probably far too long."
Anja sighed defeatedly. "I'll head to bed once I get through the book I'm going through right now. I just hope I'll find the sigil in here before then."
Carlisle grinned with satisfaction as he returned to the tray on the altar. "That is good to hear."
Anja furrowed her eyebrows but grinned, chuckling deep in her chest but not making any sound. "But, you brought me tea?"
"In case I couldn't convince you, madam." The butler's grin opened into a smile, his pristine teeth illuminated by the flickering light of the dying fire. "It's hot chocolate, though." He picked up the teapot and poured foamy hot chocolate into the teacup.
Anja frowned and sniffed, smelling the rich sweetness of the drink. "I see." The witch leaned against the altar. "Did you happen to bring the wheelchair with you... by any chance?" She wanted to sound more curious than desperate.
Carlisle bowed his head, his small smile growing a little. "Indeed, I did, in the event that I could convince you to leave the study, which I... failed to do." He could tell she was in pain. "Why don't you sit yourself down?" He handed the cup on the saucer to the witch. "I'll be back with the wheelchair in a moment." The butler left the study. Anja walked over and sat down on an empty cushion on the couch, which she had designated for sitting. She laid the crutch she'd been using on the ground with the other one. She set the hot chocolate on the armrest of the couch as she rolled up the legs of her sweatpants so she could carefully remove her prosthetics, which were the only good thing that seemed to be coming out of this whole event; they were extremely cool and would be comfortable if she didn't wear them for too long.
Carlisle returned with the wheelchair to see Anja's prosthetics and crutches lying on the floor at the foot of the couch, her sweatpants suddenly much too long for her legs. "Would you like me to take those to your room, my Lady?"
"You can leave them there, in case I need them," Anja said with a smile. She took her first sip of the hot chocolate and watched as Carlisle wheeled the wheelchair over to sit in front of the little lamp table right next to where Anja sat so she could easily transfer from the couch to the wheelchair if needed.
"Is there anything else I can do for you while I am here?"
"Go to sleep," Anja suggested. "I'll be fine for the rest of the night. My room is on this level, so I'll just push the wheels."
The butler raised an eyebrow with surprise. "If that's an order."
Anja grinned cheekily. "It's an order," she confirmed with a mischievous tone.
Carlisle's other eyebrow joined the raised one. "I shall, then." He rested a hand on his chest and bowed at the waist. "Goodnight, my Lady."
Anja grinned softly. "Sleep well, Carlisle."
"You, too. Please, don't stay up for too much longer."
"I promise. I'll be in bed soon."
Carlisle chuckled lowly. "All right. Goodnight." He turned and exited the study, leaving Anja to resume her studying.

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