Chapter 35- Forget

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warning: smut

 That night, after dinner, where everyone enjoyed the salads that Carlisle had prepared and Huko had made, Ansel was in the study again, drinking a whole mug of black tea in an attempt to be awake for a little while before sleeping even more; he felt like he was wasting time with so much sleep, but he knew it was important, and Carlisle and Dr. Hahn stressed its vitality to his recovery. Crying so much that day made his eyes feel even heavier, but sleeping so much made him feel anxious. His butler was taking a shower, so the witch had some time to himself and wanted to make the most of it.

Suddenly, they felt a tug on their hand, and he abruptly found himself being sprayed by water and stumbling into the wet, naked body of a demon, who stumbled back into the stone wall of the shower.

"Carlisle, what the Hell?!" Ansel spluttered as water flowed down their face. Even in the short few seconds he'd been in there, his hair and clothes were already thoroughly soaked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think it would work that time," the butler chuckled, smile wide as water dripped off his chin, nose, ears, and eyelashes. "I'd only been practicing." He gripped Ansel's arms and pushed him back until Carlisle was back under the water and Ansel was out and against the wall on the other side of the shower. "I can summon you, just as you can summon me. I didn't know this before, but I read it in the demon-summoning book."

Ansel wiped his face and shoved his soaked hair out of his face. "Oh," he mumbled, spitting water.

"Where were you just?" Carlisle wondered.

The witch responded, "The study."

Carlisle tilted his head to the side with thought. "Huh."

Ansel made the poor decision to glance down and immediately looked back up to meet the demon's eyes. "Is there, uh," he stammered, "anything you wanted or needed?"
The butler nodded before pulling Ansel under the water with him, bringing them close with his arms wrapped around them, and kissing him firmly, water streaming down their faces and making their lips slick. After several moments, Carlisle broke the kiss and murmured, "I've met you before, before I became your butler."

Ansel scowled. "Huh?"

"We both looked quite different, but, when I watched the videos with Solomon, I thought I'd seen you somewhere else. Now, I know where. I almost forgot, it was such a fleeting, insignificant event."


"It was during my last service. You were riding a bike and almost crashed, and I caught you and pulled you off before you could crash into... what was it, a streetlamp?"

Ansel wiped more out of his face but, thankfully, Carlisle blocked most of it. "Wait... that was you?" Carlisle nodded. "Yes, it was a streetlamp." He remembered. He and his family were out of town for the funeral of his uncle, who'd just died in a car crash. The morning after the funeral, Ansel was out riding his bike through town, but he didn't know the area well. He made too sharp of a turn and was going down a sloped, cobblestone sidestreet. He lost control and was about to crash into a streetlamp when a man grabbed him and yanked him off of the bike, which did end up slamming into the streetlamp.

Carlisle did look different, with lighter eyes and olive skin. His hair, though a little shorter, and face were the same. Ansel's hair was still long and its natural colour. Ansel's adrenaline was pumping and he'd been as red as a beet with an embarrassed blush. Carlisle had asked if he was all right, which Ansel, with some stuttering, had answered yes to, before picking up the witch's bike and telling him to take care of themselves. Ansel nodded, said he would, and thanked him before walking his bike all the way back home. "I was so clumsy."

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