Chapter 38- Mercy

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Warning: brief smut

 This game was not as fun as Carlisle had led Ansel to believe.

As Ansel made a turn down the hall, they quickly discovered that they were now in the guest hall on the third floor, the one reserved for visitors staying with them, which was also awash in blood-stained light. The floor change was disorienting, given they had never gone up any stairs. They now realized that Carlisle had really turned the mansion into a maze.

The witch huffed as they set off down the hallway and began opening every door to see if this were a possible exit, a way to get out; however, all of the rooms were the same. When they reached the end of the guest hall, where the two halls were joined together by the staircase and ramp leading up to them from the second and main floors, they took a quick look down both halls. Carlisle hadn't come for them yet, and it was beginning to worry him that something was about to happen. They felt him all through the walls, his presence thick in the air like a fog, dark and looming, his energy flowing through the floors and walls and ceiling, his soul stealing the warmth and comfort of Ansel's home and replacing it with darkness and danger. In this reality, Carlisle was God: creator of everything around Ansel, omnipotent, and inevitable. The notion sent chills down the witch's spine.

Surprisingly, Ansel made it all the way down to the main floor, unscathed and unchallenged. When they reached the front doors and found they were unlocked, they flung them open and stepped through, only to find themselves back in the hallway outside of their bedroom. "Fuck!" Ansel shouted, his voice echoing hollowly through the empty mansion.

"Did you think I would show you mercy?" the true voice of the demon butler reverberated through every particle around Ansel, rattling their bones. Ansel looked down the hallway to see Carlisle slowly walking towards them, only wearing black trousers, holding what appeared to be a leather whip in his left hand and a chain in the right. His eyes glowed red violet and were visibly slitted from that distance. He laughed, as deep and wicked as where he came from, and purred, "Not tonight, my dear."

"What the- Hell no." Ansel dropped his crutches and set off in the other direction, the demon's laugh following him. They threw open the door of the study, just to look into it, and Carlisle was right there in the doorway, so they slammed it shut in his face before running off again.

"Hush, little darling, don't say a word," Carlisle's usual voice, low and velvety, peacefully sang all around him, softly as if he were lulling Ansel to sleep. "Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird." Ansel ran down the hallway into their parents' bedroom to find themselves at the top of the stairs. "And, if that mocking bird doesn't sing..."

When Ansel reached the bottom of the stairs, they were suddenly stepping into their bedroom from the bathroom, now with their crutches again. "Fuck!" they shouted again as they stormed out of the bedroom, slamming the door shut, before heading down the hallway. When they walked into the study, it was empty. There was no Ansel lying on the altar like he was outside of the hallucination. As they crossed the room, the door slammed shut and locked, trapping Ansel.

Carlisle was there with a shit-eating grin. "Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring." He cracked his whip through the air, where its cord wrapped around the witch's throat. He gave it a tug, and Ansel was dragged over. The demon shoved the witch into the wall, the whip still around his throat. They thrashed and clawed at the leather cord, trying to loosen it. "Hush," he whispered into Ansel's ear as he pinned their hands above their head by the wrists before giving their earlobe a gentle nibble. The whip unraveled from Ansel's neck, but it was quickly replaced with Carlisle's fist around it.

"This is wrong," Ansel gasped as the demon kissed down their neck.

"How can it be when it feels so good?" Carlisle moaned back as his body pressed into his, further pushing Ansel into the wall.

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