Chapter 40- Natural

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"No!" The witch nearly ran into a vase on a pedestal, but they skidded past it.

"Stop running!" Carlisle actually did run into the pedestal but steadied it and the fragile vase on top before continuing to chase his master down through the mansion. The demon figured Ansel would be getting winded by then, but the witch kept running through the halls away from him. He kept transporting and popping up in front of him, but he couldn't manage to stop them. They really did not want to learn exotic dancing from their butler.


"Why not?!"

"No!" Ansel shouted back over their shoulder with a laugh, which was cut short when they suddenly crashed into Carlisle, who had transported while Ansel was distracted. The demon caught his master before they could fall over, gripping their upper arms. "It's just too weird. I refuse," they gasped.

"You would rather go out in front of a crowd in barely any clothing and do it without any prior experience instead of learning in a comfortable environment with me?"

Ansel panted as he responded, "I know how to dance already!"

"Not like that," Carlisle argued.

"Yes I do!"

"What a crock of bullshit!" the demon laughed. "Seriously, Ansel, it's not that hard, but they'll know you're in the wrong place if you don't make it look natural."

The witch caught their breath. "This is ridiculous!" They stepped back and raked their hands through the long part of their undercut as a blush spread across their face. "God, this is ridiculous! I can't... I mean, I know how... but actually doing it? No."

Carlisle let out a large breath. "All right. What do you know how to do?"

"I can pole dance."

The demon stared. "You can pole dance," he echoed.

Ansel rolled their eyes. "Yes... that's the only thing I know how to do?"

"When, where, how, and why did you learn to do that?" Carlisle wondered as he folded his arms over his chest.

Ansel stomped with one foot as they crossed their arms, as well. "Back when I was in ballet. It helped with upper body and core strength and control."

Carlisle nodded. "Fine, then. When's the last time you practiced?"

His master scoffed. "You really just want to see me do it, don't you?"

The butler put his hands up in defense. "I'm going to see you do it eventually! It makes no difference!" he argued.

"I'm going to be fine, all right?" Ansel assured the demon. "I'm really good at it."

Carlisle sighed before softly saying, "Will not having the bottoms of your legs make a difference?"

The witch shrugged as they muttered, "I don't suppose it would make too much of a difference. I just won't be able to point my toes..."

Carlisle slowly nodded as he scratched his head. "All right... okay... so... we're fine there."

Ansel stared for a few moments as he walked over to the demon. "You're really nervous about this, aren't you?"

"Of course I am." Carlisle rested his hands on Ansel's shoulders before hugging them. "This needs to go perfectly; otherwise, it'll be a disaster. I just want to make sure we rule out as many possibilities for error as we are able to."

Ansel nodded against his chest, absorbing his warmth and breathing in the scent of his cologne. "Okay... so, about this whole... appearing as a demon thing..."

"Well, you'll be temporarily becoming one, not just appearing as one. It's all about the presence, the aura, the smell, and the soul. You cannot look a certain way and pass off as a demon. It has to happen on the inside." The witch nodded in understanding. "There are two options for how that can go," Carlisle sighed.

Ansel looked up at the demon butler, whose expression and gaze had darkened. "What are the two options?"

"Well, both are temporary, which is exactly what we need, but the changes and symptoms will last between twelve and twenty-four hours. You may not be comfortable with either of them. One is far more painful and less enjoyable, but the other does not last for as long." The witch could sense his apprehension. The demon stomped his foot a little, like he was having trouble getting it out. "Yes, so option one, the less painful and more enjoyable way would be for you and I to have sex." Ansel blinked. The demon's expression showed no signs of humour or lie. "The other option would be to drink demon blood."

The witch stared up as the demon stared down. "Blood."

The butler blinked. "I can pretend to be astonished, but I am not." He expected them to answer this way. "Follow me." He turned on his heel.

"Wait." Ansel grabbed his wrist. "I'm not choosing it because I don't want to have sex with you."

Carlisle looked back with a softened expression and a small grin. "I know."

Ansel frowned. "Why do you seem so upset by my choice, then?"

Now, Carlisle frowned. "I just don't want to watch the process. You will feel like you're on fire, burning from the inside out."

Ansel sighed. "That's nothing new."

Carlisle smiled sadly as he walked back over, wrapped his arms around the witch, and tenderly kissed them. "I love you."

"I love you, too," his master murmured with a smile.

The demon's gaze darkened ever so slightly. "Please remember that I love you."


He shook his head and said with a far too serious tone, "I know that you're waiting for the right time, but... God, you really should've chosen the sex."

Ansel chuckled weakly. "Let's just get this over with."

"I'm going to need to tie you down," Carlisle muttered as he turned to start leaving, but Ansel grabbed him again. "That will probably be the most enjoyable part of the experience, just so you know." There was a hint of mischief and desire in his tone and in his gaze as he looked back at them.

"Why do you need to tie me down?" they murmured, worry laced in their tone.

"Any other time I have ever seen a human do this, they killed someone or destroyed something. I'm not taking any risks with you." He gently took Ansel's hand and began tugging them down the hallway. "Come along."

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