Chapter 19- Unthinkable

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 The funeral was held on a cliff overlooking the lake. All of the guests crowded back a ways while Ansel, with Carlisle's and Solomon's assistance, performed the funeral ritual. There was a large casket that held the remains of both of his parents so they could eternally rest together. Ansel performed the spell that opened up the earth, the grass growing up and swallowing them into the soil, sinking as if in quicksand: a traditional witch's funeral. They planted an obsidian tombstone that marked their resting place. Solomon managed to get through his eulogy with only a couple of tears, but Ansel was already crying as he stood behind the tombstone to give his eulogy.

"It's a common thought that losing a part of one's body is the most traumatic thing someone could ever go through: a hand, a foot, an arm, a leg, an organ..." He wiped his face and swallowed hard. "Losing two legs would be considered unthinkable to many. To a certain degree, it's considered a decrease in independence and quality of life. I was one of these people before it actually happened to me. I can no longer do the things I enjoy like I used to... but the greater loss here is that I cannot do those things with them, and that loss is still unthinkable to me." He took another moment to regain some lost composure. "Watching my skin melt before my eyes wasn't hardly as traumatic as watching my parents die in the fire, listening to their screams until they were silent, and knowing that was the last moment with them. At that moment, I knew that I would have to live the rest of my life without them. Living in that moment right there with them, as they had their last moments with life and I had my last moments with them, is the most..." He covered his mouth with a gloved hand as he cried harder. Solomon put a hand on his shoulder and rubbed it soothingly. Through blurry eyes, the witch saw his butler standing separate from the crowd but closer to him than everyone else. He took a few deep breaths. "After the fact, I would have gladly shared that last moment with them instead of having to think the unthinkable." Ansel stepped to the side, linking an arm through Solomon's as the old man walked with him. "If anyone would like to speak now, you may," Ansel gasped through sobs.

A couple of family members, Dahlia's brother and Jacques' stepsister, and a few close friends gave brief eulogies, and it seemed like the service had ended when Carlisle suddenly stepped up to stand behind the tombstone, as if he were at a podium. "Though I knew Jacques and Dahlia Vandiver for a shorter amount of time than most of you all, I would like to think that I know them very well." Ansel stared at him in shock, knowing he was referring to the souls of the two mentioned residing within him. "What I can say about them is that they are the purest, warmest, and brightest souls I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, and I know that they will rest together in eternal peace knowing that their child and other loved ones will carry on and carry out their vision for a happy, safe world full of magic and love." He gave a subtle bow before joining Solomon and Ansel off to the side. Carlisle stood there in solemn peace for a moment, then flinched a little with shock as he felt Ansel's hand brush his and stay there, with his pinky brushing his pointer finger.

Ansel let out a shaky breath as he felt the demon's gloved fingers thread through his, enveloping the witch's cold hands in silky warmth. "Real subtle, Carlisle."

The demon could only bow his head to hide his mischievous smirk.

Supper, as always at witch's funerals, was very lively and plentiful with marvelous food made by a combination of a human (Huko), a demon, and a witch. Ansel was seated at the head of the long, rectangular table while the guests were seated along the sides it. There was wine and tea served as drinks; vegetable stew, rosemary ham, garlic bread, buttery mashed potatoes, and asiago asparagus for supper; and peach cobbler, plum pudding, and chocolate and vanilla gelato for dessert.

When the meal was ended, all of the witches present gathered in the ballroom. A bass, cello, violin, piano, and harp played of their own accord in the centre of the ballroom and filled the hall with splendid music for waltzing. Carlisle wandered throughout the hall, serving more drinks from a tray, but his mind stayed tuned into his master, who sat in a throne at the left end of the room, replaying the butler dancing with them in their head. He could be at their side in a second if the occasion arose.

It was a nice night; everyone looked to be having fun, as you're supposed to do at a funeral for a witch. Witches are never entirely gone once they die, as their bodies add to the magic of the Earth when they meet the soil. Throughout the night, Ansel wandered throughout the hall with his crutches, talking to guests, sharing stories, telling them what happened, and getting back in touch whilst drinking wine. Ansel was overall having a decent time when he thought he wouldn't.

It was fairly late into the night, almost a quarter past midnight, when Ansel was sitting down at one of the small circular tables along the walls, taking a break from walking, and an unfamiliar man approached in smooth, purposeful strides. He was wearing a simple tuxedo with a silver silk tie and vest. He appeared slightly stronger but shorter than Ansel's butler. His hair and skin were of the whitest the witch had ever seen, indicating the stranger was perhaps albino, and his eyes were a soft baby blue colour. He wore a gentle grin as his eyes locked with the Vandiver's. Before the witch could stand to greet him, the man got down onto one knee in front of them. Ansel's heterochromatic eyes went wide with surprise behind their glasses.

"My Lordship," the man greeted with a smooth tone and French accent, the sound not as low or rich as that of Carlisle, "it is a privilege and pleasure to finally meet you tonight. My name is Ashley Waldren."

Ansel smiled as he stuck out his hand for the man to shake, surprised that this man was calling him a lord instead of a lady. "Ansel Vandiver, as I'm sure you know already."

"How could I not?" Ashley smiled as he took the witch's hand and, instead of shaking it, turned it over and kissed his gloved knuckles, making Ansel's cheeks go a little pink. He placed his other hand over Ansel's, his thumb caressing the velvet. "Would you do me the honour of sharing a dance with me?" The witch bit his bottom lip with uncertainty before nodding. Ashley smiled as he stood and helped them to their feet. They were about to grab the crutches when Ashley held out both arms. "You may use me as your support," he murmured, blue eyes sparkling adoringly. Ansel apprehensively let go of the man's hand and gently gripped his forearms. Ashley smiled as he led him onto the dance floor before stopping them when he felt they had reached a good place on the dance floor. By then, the song that had been previously playing ended. "The eulogy you gave this afternoon was as gorgeous the one who spoke it."

Ansel smiled, blushing. "Thank you."

A tango started playing. "Ah, perfect," Ashley sighed contently.

The witch's stomach dropped. Carlisle hadn't prepared him for this. "I can't tango," he whispered bashfully, a hint of fear in his voice, as he began to pull away, but Ashley smirked and locked an arm around the witch.

"Nonsense." A sudden wave of calm washed through the witch. He knew that everything would be all right as the song (and dance) started.

Carlisle was weaving the tables, collecting empty glasses and distributing filled ones to those who wanted them, making brief, cheerful conversation about the day, about the service, about the eloquent and heart-warming eulogy he'd given, and how he felt about serving the Vandiver family thus far. As he had no complaints, he only spoke of his time there, his duties, and the master themselves with nothing but the warmest regards.

As he left the couple he was chatting with, his eyes swept the crowd long enough to catch sight of two familiar people dancing a tango together: Ansel Vandiver, his master, and Ashley, one of his ex masters, an ex sexual partner, and an angel.

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