Chapter 44- Collapsed

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Warning: rape mention

Iriel rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "I swear, you rape one reaper, and you gain a name for yourself," she huffed in complaint.

"Yes, who is now the Reaper," Carlisle corrected. "Cicero and I killed you."

Iriel laughed. "No, you killed the vessel, your previous master, Mr. Aingeal. I evacuated his body before you got the job done."

The demon looked to Ansel, who looked shaken and was no longer a demon, as their soul glowed inside of them as it always should, but all right in all other aspects. "How dare you even breathe upon my master."

"Yes. My late husband didn't tell me about him," Iriel winked at the witch, "but I suppose I'll make a meal of him like you did Ashley."

"Over my dead body," Ansel growled as plum-coloured fire engulfed their hands and blasted towards the angel. Iriel sprouted magnificent white wings and shot up and through the glass roof, shattering a hole into it. The demon and witch shot up after her and into the wintry night sky before landing gracefully on the remaining glass roof, which was holding up nicely.

Knives came out of nowhere from the angel, joining the flurries swirling through the air. They were not a normal metal, but appeared to be made of something like platinum. "These knives are made from the molten blood of angels. It will be harmful to me and no less dangerous to you," Carlisle's thoughts told Ansel as they attacked back.

The demon butler transformed, morphing into his true form, in midair, landing in front of the angel completely in his canine form. Fire of all different colours coiled around Ansel's body like snakes and shot at the angel like cannonballs, but Iriel managed to slice through them like they were mere bubbles while fighting off Carlisle directly as he slashed and clawed at her.

He managed to do some damage, but Iriel fought back with just as much voracity.

Iriel let out a great yell, causing a blast of light and force to shoot from her. Both the demon and the witch were thrown back, tumbling across to the other side of the roof.

Carlisle and Ansel stood together, the demon, who was back in his human form, helping the witch. Once they were both up, they held each other's hand. "Together, yes?" Ansel questioned.

The demon butler squeezed their hand and smiled as he bowed his head. "Always, my Lord." They started walking forward, charging two against one, a war between three species. Multicolour flames swirled around the two of them like a forcefield; darkness emitting from Carlisle twisted into it, joining it. Iriel chuckled as she, too, charged forward, white light surrounding her like a pale halo.

Suddenly, however, there was the sound of a blast behind Carlisle and Ansel, and the sky was filled with spirits that shot at the angel. They were wispy grey forms with long, clawed arms and horrible screams that matched those heard in Purgatory, no faces except for bottomless black mouths and eyes, and no human likeness. They swarmed around the angel like angry bees. The angel let out a terrified scream as she fought off at least a hundred of these things, no longer focused on the demon and the witch.

    Carlisle looked down when he felt something rub against the insides of his ankles, shocked to see Mephistopheles creeping between his legs and prancing towards the angel like it owned the place. He was about to yell at the tiny black kitten to come back, but when he saw the small creature limp once on its right side, everything made sense.

    The familiar suddenly exploded in a shock of neon green light, and floating in the centre of the light was a cloaked figure with a skeletal hand holding a large, terrifying scythe, bones wrapped around the wooden handle.

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