Chapter 14- Flattered

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 Anja chewed the inside of her bottom lip. "The three worst bruises are," she pointed to the bruise on the right side of her jaw, "my jaw," she pointed at her left shoulder, "my shoulder," and she pointed at her left side, "and my ribs."

"I should take care of the ribs first," Carlisle noted. "It affects how you're breathing, which is already strained as your lungs continue to heal from your smoke inhalation." Anja watched as he got down on one knee. "Would you mind if I-" Anja slipped off the left sleeve of her cardigan, letting it fall off her arm, and carefully lifted her shirt up on the left side to the top of the bruise on her ribs, just stopping below the bra. "That looks quite painful," he sighed, prodding at the area around it. "Nothing is broken."

He sighed through his nose, a little frustrated. "You're too tall," he scoffed before suddenly but carefully lifting her until she was sitting on the island with him standing between her legs, the crutch falling off her arm and clattering to the floor. Anja quickly moved her tea out of the way so it wasn't knocked over. The demon wrapped his left arm around her, his hand around the back of her neck, and tilted her back until his elbow propped her upper body up. "You may close your eyes if you wish." Anja closed her eyes, not wanting to see it in fear of it being more awkward if she saw, focusing on the pounding of her heart as she felt the butler brush her shirt up, stopping at the top of the bruise. "Were you scared today?" he asked quietly.

"I knew-" Anja's breath hitched as she felt his warm, soft, wet tongue stroke over the ridges of her ribs, soothing on the bruise. "I knew you'd come for me." The demon was thorough, making sure his tongue touched every part of the bruise so it would all heal evenly and simultaneously, before standing up straight and propping her up so she sat up straight, her shirt falling back down into place. She could feel a coldness in her skin, like the feeling of alcohol evaporating on the skin but working beneath the surface.

"Did you know that, for demons, witches have unique smells and tastes that differ greatly from those of humans?"

Anja shrugged, cursing in her mind as she felt a cheek with her hand and instantly felt the heat in the skin. "I know everyone has a unique smell, and witches have different auras, so it's not that surprising."

Carlisle nodded as he pulled her closer, her legs dangling off the edge of the counter, so he could have access to more of her shoulder before carefully slipping the strap of her bra off her shoulder and pulling down the strap that made the arm hole of the muscle shirt with his thumb, keeping it there so it didn't try to move back up. He wrapped both arms around her, his left around her waist and his right around her upper back. The thumb of his right hand absentmindedly ran back and forth over the tensed muscles. "I don't mean to make this... any more awkward than it may already be, but you have a lovely taste."

Anja felt a violent chill go down her spine. "How is that supposed to make me feel?" she questioned as she felt the demon gently kiss her shoulder.

"I'd be flattered," he whispered before kissing her shoulder again, letting his lips explore the bruise on her shoulder. There were several seconds of silence. Every touch was incredibly tender and his hold on her was soft, like how someone would hold a ghost if it were possible.

"Sorry to ask," her voice was a bit strangled, "but why were you licking before but kissing now?" This was probably and hopefully the strangest question she'd ever ask the butler.

"Not only because I wanted to, but also because memorizing your taste, like smell, will help me identify where you are, where you've been, and things you touched in the event that you go missing again," he informed her with a short chuckle between kisses. "I have to admit that this is enjoyable."

"Could you please get this over with?" Anja pleaded, her face burning.

"I'm almost done with your shoulder," he sighed. "I figured talking would make this feel more casual for you."

"It's not," Anja muttered before giving a nervous little chuckle.

He scoffed. "My apologies." After a few more fluttering kisses, he replaced her bra strap and muscle shirt sleeve back to their spots on her shoulder, which, to Anja's astonishment, didn't hurt. "It concerns me that you've never received any sort of physical affection besides hugs. Though you have plenty of time, having a baby requires more than hugging."

Anja resisted the urge to slap the demon. "I'm well aware, but I haven't found that someone yet."

"On the contrary," Carlisle tilted her head to the side with his fingers under her chin, "I think that this someone hasn't found you yet." He cupped her other cheek with one hand and rested the other on her shoulder before kissing the dark, tender blotch. "It is far too easy to make you blush," he said quietly between kisses, as he could feel her hot cheek in his hand, even through his glove. His voice and lips so close to her ear made it all worse. "You do it so often: when you're angry, when you're flustered..."

"Shut up," Anja muttered before roughly nudging/lightly kicking his shin, unsure of how hard to do it with a fake lower leg.

"Ow," the demon whispered before chuckling heartily. "Seriously, madam, how much warmer could your face possibly get?"
"There really isn't a limit," the witch grumbled.

The butler's lips suddenly left her skin, and he lifted her down off the island and held her arms until she was standing and balanced. "There."

Anja brushed her hand against her jawline. "Holy shit." She slapped a hand against her shoulder. "Holy shit."

"Please don't go harming yourself as soon as I heal you," he sighed boredly, watching in amusement as she looked down through her shirt at her side before staring up at him with wide multi-coloured eyes.

"I had no idea it'd start working this fucking fast," she gasped. Breathing didn't hurt anymore. "Thank you, Carlisle!" She tossed her arms around his shoulders.

A little shocked, it took the demon a moment to return the embrace, wrapping an arm around her waist and an arm around her upper back; he'd never received a hug from a living person, not to mention a master, before. He smiled as he wrapped his arms a little tighter around her. "You're most certainly welcome, madam."

"Uch, would you please just call me by my name?" Anja sighed, humour in her tone, as she loosened her arms.

Carlisle's hands lingered on her waist for a moment before dropping. "How about a compromise?" Anja scowled. "How about I call you 'Miss Anja,' because I don't think I've earned your first name alone yet."

Anja nodded to herself. "Some of the others call me that, too." She smiled wide. "I like it."

"Then, you're Miss Anja from now on."

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