Chapter 30- Pregnant

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"Hmm?" Ansel suddenly opened their eyes and turned their head so they could see Carlisle. The witch had been fading in and out of wakefulness ever since they woke up from surgery, dozing off then waking up suddenly, explained by the anesthesia still in their system; however, they had eaten about half of the bag of mangoes together and been watching the movie. The movie was over, so they'd both been reading and talking.

Carlisle was sitting in his chair, leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees. His fingers were linked together and cradling his chin. He was wearing casual clothing now so he looked a bit more normal and less like a butler, which Ansel appreciated a lot, but, according to the maid, he looked even hotter than usual (which made Ansel chuckle). He was wearing black sneakers, black jeans with rips in the knees, a long-sleeved grey t-shirt, and a black cardigan. "Would you like to know what happened today?" His expression was solemn, eyes locked on his master.

Ansel turned his head so he stared up at the ceiling. "With you or with me?"

"Both," Carlisle responded as he moved his chair a little closer.

Ansel sighed and closed their eyes. Despite all of the sleeping he was doing, it was difficult to stay awake. "Ashley." Ansel opened their eyes. "I worked it out. It only makes sense." He looked at the demon. "He tried to break the contract again."

The butler nodded in confirmation. "The next time I see him, he will die," he promised solemnly.

Ansel nodded, expecting this, not even phased by the statement. "Okay." He suddenly chuckled. "Hey, this might sound dumb or something, but you wanna know what my first thought was when I started bleeding everywhere?"

Carlisle was confused but smiled, too. "What's that?"

"My first thought was... like... 'awesome,'" Carlisle snorted, his eyes instantly widening and his cheeks flaring pink in embarrassment as he covered his mouth and nose with a hand, "'cause, you know, like, as terrifying and painful it was, it was kinda cool in a disgusting way." Carlisle had to bite the tip of his tongue to keep his mouth shut. "And, like, I was trying to figure out what could have been causing it, and, like, with what had happened the night before, like, I thought... maybe..." Ansel shook their head and started chuckling, wincing a little.

"Say it," Carlisle insisted, smile wide. "You'd better say it."

"I thought-" they wheezed a little, "I thought I was having, like, some half witch half demon baby or something."

Carlisle started to silently laugh, unable to make any sound, as he doubled over in his chair. His eyes watered to the point where tears leaked from his eyes. When he finally made sound, it was wheezing, and he stared up at Ansel through swimming eyes. "You thought-" He was cut off by his wheezing. "You thought you were pregnant with my child?!" He started to bellow with laughter, wrapping his arms around himself as he doubled over.

Ansel shrugged, looking frantic. "I don't know how things work with demons!" they shouted defensively.

"Ansel, I adore you," Carlisle gasped as he sat up straight and looked up at him through teary eyes, "my dear, darling dumbass." Ansel's jaw dropped. "The reproduction process works with demons just as it does with humans and witches."

Ansel's eyes were wide, his jaw still hanging open. "I just can't believe you said you adored me right before calling me a dumbass." He smiled. "Just as long as I'm your dear, darling dumbass."

Carlisle's expression softened as he wiped his eyes. "Of course." He suddenly seemed to reconsider. "I mean, I consider Marjorie, Huko, and Finn my dumbasses, as well, but they are neither darling nor dear to me."

Ansel snorted. "They are to me, so watch your mouth."

"I'd rather watch yours." The statement was delivered so unceremoniously and calmly that it was hard for Ansel to process at first. Carlisle looked as if he were saying something completely normal, like talking about the weather. Carlisle chuckled at the witch's astounded expression.

"You're smooth," Ansel murmured. They were starting to fall asleep, and for good reason, as it was getting late. "Are you going to go home for the night?"

Carlisle sighed, expression falling a little. "I suppose I should. I need to make sure Marjorie got the blood out of the carpet all right and make sure everything is prepared for you to come home tomorrow." As a witch, the doctors said Ansel's recovery time would be about cut in half from the human recovery time for an abdominal hysterectomy.

"I want to start taking customers again." Since the murder, the Vandiver household hadn't taken any customers. Like many witches, the Vandiver family had been providing services for years, such as custom potions and spells, protection and warding for houses or people, cures, jewelry, crystals, psychic reading, medium meetings, and exorcisms.

Carlisle nodded as he ran a hand through the witch's hair, the long part of the undercut. There was a little blood staining the silvery hair red and pink here and there; it needed to be washed. "That would be good for you and for the public, letting people know that you're still up and kicking."

Ansel nodded, allowing a few moments of calm. "Were you scared today?"

Carlisle nodded slowly. "I'd never been terrified in my life until today. It was awful. I was trapped. I couldn't get to you to help. I was powerless."

Ansel nodded again. "I was only scared because you weren't there, which meant you were in trouble."

"Ashley told me," the demon replied. "Did you think you were going to die?"

The witch shook their head. "I knew, even from wherever you were or whatever you were doing, you wouldn't let me die, even if it meant dragging my soul back into my body."

The demon nodded. "Sounds like something I would do." He stood up, picking up the bag he'd brought with him, before leaning over the bed to press a gentle kiss to the witch's lips. Ansel kissed back softly, cherishing the tenderness which only grew when Carlisle's hands cupped the sides of their face. Ansel couldn't move much, taking into account the heavy heating blanket covering them, the IV in their hand, and their general immobility because of the new incision and residual anesthesia. "Summon me if you need anything at all before morning, you promise?" he whispered after breaking the kiss

Ansel smiled sleepily. "I promise."

Carlisle smiled before kissing the tip of Ansel's nose and running a hand through his hair. "Sleep well tonight, my prince. Tomorrow will be a painful day of recovery." Ansel closed his eyes and nodded, and, when he opened his eyes again, the demon was gone.

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