Season 9 Episode 13 - The Real Me

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Lilly is in the games room and is trashing the room in anger as she is screaming and throwing things across the room

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Lilly is in the games room and is trashing the room in anger as she is screaming and throwing things across the room. Kim watches on and says "Lilly! Calm down!" Negan appears beside Kim and looks on as Lilly is destroying the children's room. Negan asks concerned "What happened?" Kim shakes her head as she folds her arms across her chest and says "I dont know, she was sitting at the table alone for hours then she just cracked and started trashing the room" Negan sighs and says "This is like history repeating itself" Kim questioningly looks at Negan for answers and Negan exhales and says "I've never seen her this bad, not since Lucille's death" Kim looks at Lilly and says "Ever since I've met her, ever since she found me and Geoff on the side of the road trying to fight off that hoarde and she brought us back here she's always been so strong" Negan says "Theres not a weak bone in her body, she's just lost at the minute but I know My Lills she will fight back, the anger will take over" and Negan looks to two Male Saviours and says "Stop her" and The Saviours walk over to Lilly and grab her arms and Lilly screams and Negan says "That's enough now Lills" and Lilly angrily sighs.

Sally knocks on a door and a moment later Kieron opens the door and they look at each other as their eyes lock on each other

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Sally knocks on a door and a moment later Kieron opens the door and they look at each other as their eyes lock on each other. Kieron asks in disbelief "Sally? What are you doing here?" Sally anxiously looks around and says "I just came by to see say thank you" Kieron looks puzzled as he steps out of the room and asks in confusion "Thanks? For what?" Sally says "For what you done for me. You defended me against your friends" Kieron shakes his head and says "They aren't friends, they just made it less lonely I guess. And what they were gonna do to you was wrong" and Sally says "Yeah but you saved my life so thanks" Kieron smiles softly at Sally and says "Dont mention it" and a moment if awkward silence later Sally asks "Is this real? The real you? Or are you just pretending?" Kieron smiles as he steps closer to Sally and gazes down in her eyes as he tucks a piece of her long blonde hair behind her ear and says "No, Sally this is the real me. The old Kieron was a was a front...this is the real me" Sally smirks up at Kieron. Jason turns around the corner and sees Sally and Kieron and Jason's eyes flash in anger and he marches up to them and angrily says "Sall get back from him!" and Jason pushes Sally back from Kieron as he stands protectively in front of Sally and says "Stay away from My wont be told again..if I find out or even see you near her I'll kill you" Sally says "Jase stop, hes being nice" Jason glances back at Sally and says "Bullshit! There ain't nothing nice about Kieron McDonald" and Jason glares at Kieron and says "You've been warned" and Jason walks off as he drags Sally along with him and Sally sadly looks back to Kieron and Kieron smiles and winks at her causing her to smile.

Lilly is in her room clutching on to Lucy and kisses her head and a tear falls down her cheek as Anna walks inside the room and Lilly looks up and quickly wipes away the stray tear and stands up and says "Havent you heard of knocking?!" Anna smirk...

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Lilly is in her room clutching on to Lucy and kisses her head and a tear falls down her cheek as Anna walks inside the room and Lilly looks up and quickly wipes away the stray tear and stands up and says "Havent you heard of knocking?!" Anna smirks as Lilly sets down Lucy on the ground next to Jacob. Anna replies "I never knew you were here, I just came to grab a few things for Troy" Lilly looks at Anna in confusion and asks "What?" Anna says "I visited Troy and I told him I would him a few things from his room. We have gotten close..Your Husband is a wonderful man" and Lilly darkly glares at Anna and she lunges at Anna and rams Anna to the wall leaning her forearm against Anna's throat and says "Yeah that's right My Husband! Troy is My Man, not yours so you keep your slutty hands and eyes off My Husband! Because if you dont I will make it rain blood and that blood will be yours and your Daddys" and Lilly punches Anna and Lilly says "Now get the fuck outta my sight before I rip your throat out!" and Anna rubs her neck where Lilly's arm was pressed and rushes out of the room and Lilly deeply sighs and looks back to her Twin Children and rushes to them as they both stare at Lilly and Lilly crouches down to their level and says "Mommy's sorry..for everything"

Lilly is laying in bed and looks to the empty space beside her and deeply sighs

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Lilly is laying in bed and looks to the empty space beside her and deeply sighs. When she hears a clatter in the next room so she lifts her pillow and picks up her large hunting knife and slowly walks to the bedroom door and opens the door and holds the knife in her hand ready to attack when she sees Negan. Lilly deeply sighs as she lowers the knife and she asks "What are you doing Dad?" Negan says "Come with me". Negan and Lilly walk into a exercise room and Lilly looks to Negan and asks "What is this? Why have you dragged me out here?" Negan looks to Lilly and says "A kids death that is a unhealthy burden, the worst pain you could feel. I look in your eyes and all I see is pain, you have lost your fight. You gotta get back to yourself" Lilly shakes her head and says "I cant...i cant fight anymore. Everything bad that has happened to our Family is because of me" Negan shakes his head and says "No Baby everything bad that has happened to us is because the world is a cruel shitty place. I want you to punch that punch bag and then I want you to wake up in the morning and you fight Alpha and her freaks with everything you got. She has put you through so much, stop her. Lilly I raised a fighter, where is she?" Lilly looks to Negan and he says "Now start hitting that goddamn bag" and Lilly approaches the punch bag and starts to punch the bag but her punches become more hard and violent and Negan looks at Lilly and looks at her with proudness and smiles at her with pride.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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