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Perri POV

After leaving Katie's I headed to the studio for a bit. When I arrive I'm met by Jordan in the reception. "I thought you were at Katie's ?" He asks. "I went round this morning, I sort of know what's going on but there still more to it." I sigh. He nods is head "how come you left?" "After we saw her early hours this morning she didn't go back to sleep. She's been up all night and is absolutely drained so I told her to sleep and that I would go back later to check on her." He nods and says "you really do care about her, don't you?" I nod and smile. If only I knew how to tell her I thought in my head.

Me, Jordan and a couple of the others spent the rest of the morning and the afternoon in the in the chill out area in the main studio. "Right I'm going to head back" I say slapping my knees and standing up. "You going back to Katie's" Starr asks. "Yeah" I smile. "Tell her I hope she okay" she says. "Will do" I says as I walk down the stairs and out the studio. "See you tomorrow" dani calls as I exit the building. I get in the car and start the drive back to Katie's. I hope she at least slept. As I pull down the street and towards her house I see her sat on her front door step. She looked deep in thought. I get out the car and walk towards her door slowly. "Did you sleep?" I ask as I approach her. She shakes her head 'no'. "You really need to sleep, it's not good for you" I say. "Well that's easy for you to say" she mumbles standing up and walking inside. I follow behind.

"You'll make your self sick" I say worried. "I won't I'll be fine" she mumbles. Sitting on the couch and turning the tv on. I sit down next to her as she pulls her blanket over her legs and rests her head on her hand. "You don't have to stay" she whispers not looking at me. "I'm staying until I know you have a least slept" I say with a stern tone of voice. She shakes her head and picks up her phone looking at it. I pull it out of her hand quickly. "Perri give it back!" She shouts as she try's to take it back. I stand up and hold it up high laughing. "Not till you sleep." I say. "Perri this is not funny" She scowls. "I know you not sleeping isn't funny" I reply. "If I Get some sleep will you give me my phone back and leave me alone?" She asks. "I'll give you it back but I'm staying till I know you are asleep" I say. "Fine" She says grabbing her phone and curling up on the couch. I sit back next to her and she leans into my side. I play with her hair for a while and eventually she falls asleep. I take a breath and sigh of relief.

As I'm sat with her asleep next to me Jordan face times me. "Hey bro" he says. "What's up" I say quietly not wanting to disturb Katie. "How is she?" He asks. "Good, she's finally sleeping." I say smiling "good" he says back. We sat and talked for about an hour and before I know it it's 8 o'clock. She's had been asleep for 3 hours now. I looked down to her and thought about how cute she looked when she was sleeping making me smile. I sat and thought about why she was worried her dad was going to come after her but I made a promise to myself that I would look out for her. I was going to care for her, make her feel safe. I just hope she will allow me to be there for her because I know how stubborn she can be sometimes. I suddenly feel her start to move next to me. "Do you watch everyone sleep?" She mumbles looking up to me. I laugh a little and reply "depends on who it is" smirking. "Weirdo" She says standing up. "Where you going?" I ask my eyebrows raised slightly. "To my actual bed, it's a lot more comfortable than your side" she says rolling her eyes. "Excuse me" I say in fake hurt. "You can go you know, you have your own life" she say quietly as she adjusts her hoodie pulling it over knees. As I'm about to stand up her phone rings. She picks it up and looks at the screen, it was an unknown number but she answered it. "Who is it?" She asks as her mouth drops open wide and she quickly ends the call. I look at her face as a single tear falls down her cheek.

A fresh start - perri kiely fan fictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora