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Perri POV

The door slowly opened and she finally appeared. Wow I hadn't see her dressed up since the Dance awards a couple of years ago. "You look stunning" I say with a half smirk. "Thank you" she whispers. I take her hand gently and walk her to the car. "Are you okay?" I ask looking at her. "Yeah Just a little tired" she laughs. "Your a hard working girl you" I chuckle looking at her from the corner of my eye.

When we arrive at the restaurant it's not that busy so we get in pretty quickly. We order our food and drink and sit and wait. Whilst we were waiting we sat and talked. "You can be quite shy, can't you?" I say looking at her. She nods her head replying "you take dance away from me and yeah I am, it was the only way I knew how to express myself when life got tough." I nod my head. My heart broke listening to her, I knew how she was feeling because I had felt the same for many years prior. Dance allowed me to be me when I couldn't be my self and if dance couldn't help me the boys did. Katie didn't really have anyone when I thought about it, I mean yeah she had me and the boys and girls now but who did she have after everything with her dad?. After a couple of hours of food and talking it was time to head home. "Let's head home" I say placing my hand around her waist as we walked outside. I hear a few whispers from people recognising us as we left but I shrugged them off and not let them get to me.

The drive home was a silent one but it was a comfortable silence. We soon pulled up at mine 20 minutes later. "Thank you for tonight" she whispers looking at me. I look at her instantly smiling. "Thank you for coming" I reply pulling her into my chest and placing a kiss on her forehead. "Want to come in for a drink?" I ask. "Yeah sure" she replies smiling. I head into the kitchen to make the drinks but as I'm making them I look into the front room to see Katie sat fussing Barry who had taken his place on her lap. I snap a quick photo posting it to my Instagram story with the caption 'I think my dog likes her more than me 😂'.  "There you go" I say passing her the cup of tea. "Thanks" she smiles back. We sat and talked whilst we drank the drinks. I suddenly jump up from the couch pressing play on the speaker and turning to look back at Katie. She looks at me like I have two heads. "Dance with me" I say pulling her up. "What?" She asks. "Dance with me" I repeat placing her hands on my shoulders as I wrap mine around her waist, pulling her close to me. As we moved slowly to the music I looked down into her eyes with a small smile on my face. I think I made her nervous a little because she looked down but I just found this cute. I gently place my hand under her chin lifting is so she looking at me before placing my lips to hers. This felt right and I hoped it would become something more.

................1 month later...............

Things had been going really well for the both of them. They been on several more dates or had spent nights together watching movies. There Social media's had been going crazy people wanting to know if they were together. "So when you going to ask her?" Jordan says pulling me out of my thoughts. "I think I'm going to take her out tonight and do it then, make it official" I reply. "Make what official ?" Ashley say walking into the studio. "I'm going to ask Katie to be my girlfriend" I say. "Good on you" He says patting me on the back. "Well I'm happy for you bro" Jordan says fist pumping me. I open up my text and send her a message

Me: Hey beautiful, you free tonight x ?
Katie: yeah why x ?
Me: I need to see you x
Katie: why x ?
Me: can't say yet 😉 meet me at Nando's at 7:30 x ?
Katie: yeah sure, see you later x
Me: see you later, love you x

I smile at the last text before putting my phone back into my pocket. "Someone's happy" Jordan says smiling. "I will be tonight" I say smirking. "You nervous?" He asks. "A little" I say. "You'll be fine" ash says sitting down in front of me and Jordan. I nod my head. We soon get on with this mornings rehearsal but all I could think of was tonight.

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