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Perri POV

"Where is she?" I ask as Starr and Georgia as they walk back into the studio. "She just started walking home, she asked me to tell you" she says. "What!" I almost shout. "She said she needs the walk to clear her head" Starr says. "Right ash I'm head home" I say walking out the studio. I run hoping to catch her outside still but she's nowhere to be seen. As I jump in the car I call her but don't get a response so I leave a voice mail. "Katie it's me, call me back I need to talk to you"

I drive slowly hoping to see her at some point but I don't so I head to hers. I knock on her door and wait but get no answer so I sit in the car and call her again, this time getting an answer. "Katie, where are you, you just took off I was supposed to be bringing you home." I say with my voice in a worried tone. "I'm fine I just needed the walk" she whispers. "Tell me where you are and I'll come pick you up, it's raining you make your self I'll" i say. "I'll be fine I'm sat under the bandstand in the park I'll start walking when it stops. I need to go I have to call my manager, I'll see you round" she says hanging up the phone.

I decided to go to the park instead. As I drove the rain got heavier and heavier. When I arrive I can see her sat. She was absolutely soaked. "Why didn't you wait for me, I said I was going to take you home" I ask as I approach her. "It was fine perri I needed the walk, clear my head" she whispers. "I know it must of been hard telling dani" I say. "I didn't really want everyone knowing about it, if I had know you were all listening I wouldn't of said anything" she says as the rain disguised her tears. "But at least I know now and I can help you" I say pulling her to her feet. "Come on I'm taking you home" I chuckle pulling her with me to the car. She tried to protest but I wouldn't let her.

We sat in the car and as we started moving I asked "Would you do something if you thought it would ruin a relationship between two people?" She looks at me and shrugs her shoulders before replying "it depends on what it is, how the person would react and if it would be worth it taking the risk". I nod my head listening to what she was saying. When we pull up at mine she gets out the car and starts walking in the opposite direction. "Oi where you going?" I shout. "Home" She says turning around to look at me as the rain continues to fall heavily. She continues to walk so I run after her grabbing her arm and pulling her down the ally way. "Perri what are you doing?" She asks confused as I push her gently to the wall. "Im doing what I've wanted to do for a long time , I'm taking a risk" I say smirking as I look her in the eyes.

It was in that moment perri leans in and places his lips to Katie's. Sparks erupt In his stomach as he does so. He had never felt like this before. It wasn't his first time kissing a girl but he never had these feelings he was experiencing with Katie. Katie on the other hand didn't know what was happening one minute perri was talking and the next his lips were pressed to hers. As perri pulled away Katie's eyes were wide slightly. She was so shocked and confused. "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that" Perri says as the smile on his face becomes bigger. Katie couldn't find any words to say. "Uh.. I" she stutters as perri looks down on her. "I guess this is my way of saying I like you" he whispers as he pushes her wet hair behind her ear. Before Katie can even say anything perri takes her hand and pull her with him into his house. "I'll get you some cloths to change into" he says running up the stairs leaving Katie in his living room. Katie was still confused about what had happened just moments before. She paced up and down the front room. "Here you go" He says passing some joggers and one of his t-shirts. "It's okay I'm going head home" she says whilst looking down. "I'm not letting you go back out in the rain plus I want to talk to you" He says lifting her chin with his finger so that she was looking at him. "Go get changed and then we'll talk" He says placing the clothes in her arms.

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