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After many hours of coming up with choreography Katie and Ashley had almost perfected a new routine ready for ash to teach to the rest of the group. It had been a long day for Katie and she was absolutely shattered so she decided to head home and get some sleep. As she was headed out of the studio perri spotted her leaving so he ran out to reception just as she was leaving the main doors. "Where you going?" He questions. Katie turns around and looks at him before saying "I'm walking home". "I'll drop you off in an hour, your not walking home on your own in the dark" He says his voice in a stern tone. "I'll be fine, I want to go home now" she sighs. "No I'll drop you off later, you can have a catch up with dani while you wait" he says pulling her back inside the building. "Dani you free for a catch up now?" Perri calls. "Yeah!" She replies her voice in a slightly higher pitch. Perri smirks at Katie knowing She won't say no to dani because she had been like a mam to her when her own wasn't.

Katie POV

"Why don't we go to the chill out area?" Dani suggests. "Yeah sure" I say following her. "Firstly I want to give you a proper hug, it's been so long" she chuckles. I smile accepting the hug. "How have you been then?" She asks. "I mean mostly good up until recently" I whisper. "What do you mean?" she asks as her face starts to show concern. "I'm mean everything was good, like really good but I had a call the other day to say my dad has been released from prison" I say. She nods for me to continue. "And then last night I had a call from an unknown number so I answered it and it was him." I say as my eyes start to fill with tears that would probably fall soon enough. "Oh darling" she says placing her hand on my knee to comfort me. "You never said why he was in prison" she says "you don't have to talk about it if your not comfortable though" I look up taking a deep breath "Do you think talking about it may help?" I ask. "If you feel comfortable talking about it then yeah." She smiles. "You can talk to me if your want" she says.

"I guess it all started when I turned 15, I had just started working I think. At first he didn't know I was getting paid so it wasn't as bad but one day he opened one of my bank statement letters that said how much I had in the bank and he flipped. Told me it was my fault that my mam and him were struggling because I wasn't giving them my money. I didn't know what to do because I couldn't move out as I wasn't old enough to rent some were yet. So for the whole year he would make me draw all my money out so him and my mam could have it. I remember one night I didn't have as much money as I thought and he accused me of taking it and hiding it from them" I say as a tear falls down my cheek thinking about what happened next. "He got so mad that he pushed me down the stairs and left me. I called my mam for help but she didn't even care, she was to wrapped up in making him happy that she basically forgot about me. By this point I had had enough so I finally reached out for help from a friend. For a month I photograph all the bruises and marks he left on me. We were going to take them to the police but the night I was supposed to the police ended up at mine instead when the people next door heard him screaming and shouting." I take a deep breath "And after a month long court case he was sentenced to 10 years but it's only been nine years. He got out on good behaviour" I say my voice braking. "I moved out of mine and away from my mam because I couldn't be in the same room as her. She had let it happen over and over again" I say wiping my eyes that were now flowing with tears like a tap.

Dani stands up pulling me into a hug "I know it can't Change what happened by taking about it but a least you got it off your chest" she says hugging me tighter. "Thank you for listening to me" I say quietly. "You can talk to me any time, you know where I am, or call or text if you need someone" she replies. "I best go sort my self out and clean my face up" I say smiling. I walk down the stairs and I'm met by several pairs of eyes looking at me and then it dawned on me they had just heard everything. I quickly walk out of the studio and down to the toilets. I shut the cubicle door and sit on the toilet seat taking deep breaths. I hear someone enter the toilets and knock on the cubicle door. "Katie you okay?" A females voice calls. I stand up and open the door to be met by Starr's eyes. I nod my head and mumble "yeah I am now".  She pulls me into a hug. "Will you let Perri know I've gone home, I need the walk" I ask. She nods and walks me to reception. "I hope your okay"Georgia says giving me a hug before I exit the building and start walking.

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