Welcome to The Labs!

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Welcome to The Labs!

In the labs we use clones and irkens to further advance ourselves into living longer lives and make us more durable for invading hostile planets and increasing our lifespans!

In the case that you are reading this and your a new worker to the labs! Below is a layout of our facilities!

Facility.layout.1.png coming soon
Facility.layout.2.png coming soon
Facility.layout.3.png coming soon

Please make sure you are with a trained scientist when entering subject zones! Subjects can become hostile.

Please be mindful near: Subject Cells, Cloning Centers, Scientist Headquarters, and the Medical Bay.

Here in the Labs we are instructed by The Empire to make us stronger, we use Lab Subjects to create powerful Irkens to protect us from our enemies.

We have hundreds upon thousands of subjects and getting new ones everyday! And no matter how small your roll is makes a huge difference. Whether or not your a scientist, doctor, guard, making schedules, an overseer. Doesn't matter! We need you!

We welcome you to take part of our projects and our mission!

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Lab Subjects - INVADER ZIM OCSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora