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This is a list of all of our certified doctors! If you ever need help be sure to look out of them.

Dr. Nik

Dr. Temp - X

Dr. Butters - X

Dr. Pines - X

Dr. Atte

Dr. Teek

Dr. Zant - X

Dr. Roc

Dr. Quartz

Dr. Quak

Dr. Stag

Dr. Ill - X

Dr. Mip

Dr. Bell - X

Dr. Nil

Dr. Ascott

Dr. Atpin - X

Dr. Faybell

Dr. Maybish

In the chances that you cannot find one of our medical professionals, here are scientists that have some medical training and can help you in case of an emergency.

Dr. Bolton

Dr. Cite

Dr. Brie

Dr. Rae

Dr. Vitchcuf

Dr. Cilbings

Dr. Tris

Dr. Wiscotz

Dr. Pone

Dr. Gey

Dr. Kajip

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