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Tag: #26913

Status: ACTIVE

Name: Zim Clone

Sex: Male

Weight: 35 pounds

Height: 3'0

Notes: Extreamly active and likes to escape his cell by any means possible. Keep under close watch. Can become violent and can use ANYTHING as a weapon. Please double check you take everything with you!


This is a clone of the infamous Zim... We have reused the cloning mechanisms and put him through everything else as the original. He's a narcissist who tries to push around the doctors and scientists and tell them what to do.

He's extreamly loud and the other subjects are always complaining about him. He's has even escaped his cell specifically just to fight the subjects that complain about him.

When studied his brain showed irregular activity from most cloned invaders. While most cloned invaders are only capable of thinking of the empire and having a one-way mindset, Zim's appears to be thinking of a million things at once. From the empire all the way to a random mark on the ceiling.

When paired up with a broken S.I.R unit like the original, Zim has even appeared to show sympathy for the robot when they become distressed. Zim even seems reluctant to punish the robot for doing things wrong.

We are continuing to conduct tests on him, trying our best to figure out what could've made Zim go defective...

This file will update with further research.

Lab Subjects - INVADER ZIM OCSWhere stories live. Discover now