I hate you!

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I sit on the ground, tears running endlessly, Anthony is in his wolf form, my children's blood all over him, some guys come, finally catching up, he goes to come over to me, 'get away from me!!' I scream, and scatter away from him, he growls, 'don't you dare come near me, you are sick!, ... covered in my children's blood, ... your a monster, I could never love someone like you' I say, Anthony is kind of broken from hearing that, he shifts back, my children blood from his mouth down to his arms and chest, I can't even look at my children, their body pieces everywhere, I gave birth to them!, I watched them grow up!, they had a life!, and he just took that last bit of happiness from me cause he is selfish!, I look around and grab a sharp stick, 'what?, your going to kill me?', I can't stop crying, ... I move the stick, I'm going to kill myself, I stab myself, Anthony didn't see that coming, he comes over, 'Roxanne' he says, 'get the fucking doctor' he demands, 2 of them run off, while the other 3 just stare, they never expected this from their Alpha.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I have been in a coma for 19 weeks, Anthony at first was angry, then he grieved, then he hated himself, he seemed to be not able to get rid of the stench of my children's blood on him, it is a scar he could never cover, he knows what he has done.

The pack never ever expected him to do this, they look at him differently, killing a adult is okay, but killed 3 children, all who aren't even toddlers, all cause they were making me happy, and he wasn't, now that is some jealousy.

I am being woken up, Anthony demands it, he wants to talk to me, the doctor has given me something, to prevent my heartbeat from rising, so I won't shift, put stress on my body, anything that'd send me back into a coma, I slowly open my eyes, hoping it all to be a bad dream, but quickly, the hospital and seeing Anthony just brings it all back, I can't move?, allI do is cry, 'hey?' Anthony says, 'get.away.from.me' ... 'I made a mistake, ... you were leaving me, I couldn't lose you' 'oh please, you are a disgusting, greedy, dirty man, you told me you wanted me to be happy, but you want the exact opposite, all you have done is take my happiness' I say, 'I know, but I am going to fix it', I notice, 'where is my ring?' I ask, the monitor makes a noise, as my heart tries getting faster, 'what did you do to me?' I ask, 'I gave you something to stop your heartbeat from rising' 'you are violating me, and I have rights' 'Alpha orders' he says, 'you disgust me, acting like everything is okay, when you murdered three innocent children, who because of you, are dead, because of you, were fatherless, because of you, I was their only family, and you ruined everything' I say, I hold my breath, 'what is she doing?', my heartbeat starts slowing down, 'she's killing herself' the doctor says and comes over, Anthony gets up, he tries getting me to breath, 'you do not get to die, fuck sake' Anthony says, I try lifting my arm, it's strapped down, the doctor jabs me with a needle, and I breath out passing out, 'god dammit, doctor' 'if I didn't do that, she would have died, .... why are you torturing her like this?' the doctor asks, 'cause, ... I am allowed to' Anthony says before walking out, the doctor breaths out.


Roxanne is offically a nutcase, but can you blaim her, Anthony killed her children, what kind of man does that?, just cause he wanted to have all of someone?, I'll tell you who, ... a monster.

Also sorry, for making these chapters so small.

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