Don't close those eyes

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I've been awake for almost 24 hours!, my eyes hurt, I can't look after the kids, Anthony holds me, 'easy, now', Anthony hushes while holding me, he moves me into a cradle, and brings me over to the couch, he sits me up and brings me the mug of coffee, it's empty, the man I dreamt about it waiting for me, he's just going for a nap, 'hey, mate I'll join' another one of them say, I start muttering some stuff, 'uh, uh, oh hell no!', Anthony sits me up, and pours coffee down my throat, I whimper a little, 'stay awake, okay?', I just need to close my eyes just for a little while, I know Anthony said it was dangerous, I'm in that room again, 'you are quite ravishing' a different man's voice says, I look at the balcony, 'I wouldn't?, lost 3 of our kind from them pulling that act?' the man from before says, he comes over, I still can't see his face?, I suddenly wipe under my nose, I'm bleeding, 'I need you get angry' he says, and suddenly I'm grabbed from behind, he smells my hair, though senses have no effect, 'we're not going to feel it' the man tells the other guy, ... 'but my does she have a fine body' the man says 'haven't had someone new to fuck in almost 30 years' he says, he gets another sense?, 'she's the Alpha daughter?' 'no?, he never got anyone pregnant?' 'check for yourself?', the man pushes me at the man, he turns my around, he looks at my shoulder, he growls, 'get her angry' he growls, the man smirks, but I couldn't see that, he comes over, 'you know how to get angry, little girl?', he slaps me, I start crying, 'that isn't anger I'm feeling', 'nice going' he says, 'she doesn't have a quick temper on her?' 'she was raised with humans?' he says, the other guy growls, he lifts me up, suddenly I grab the guy's neck, 'I think it's time you leave?' I growl, then suddenly he gasps waking up, some of them come in, 'you okay?' 'that bitch just kicked me out?' he says, 'and as for you?', I lay him on the chaise lounge, he goes to growl, I kiss him, everyone suddenly looks at his rising boner, 'great?, he's getting fucked and I get kicked out?' the guy complains.

We both naked, he holds my waist, I am kind of leaning back, my hands resting on the chaise lounge, I'm lifting and lowering my hips, he groans, 'you'd feel so much better in real life, you want to really fuck my dick?' he asks and pushes off and lays on top of me, .... 'I can feel you' I say, and I feel down his Abe's, I push his shirt up, everyone looks at his shirt is pushed up, 'holy shit?' a girl says, 'how'd you-?', 'I'm tired of dry humping your dick' I say, his jeans unzip, like a ghost was fucking him, the pack hasn't had a Alpha blood, they don't know how powerful that blood goes, he shudders, 'fuck' he grunts, 'let's give him some space?' a girl says, 'uh, uh, ... who the hell is this chick?', they watch as his dick is air fucked, weird to see how a dick responds when being fucked, a girl comes over, 'we mustn't disturb him' a man says, who's kind of hard, his knees bend a little, and his hips lift a little, 'she must have some serious power?, she's reaching back here?', the girl sits on the bed, she reaches forward, she can't feel me, not until I suddenly stop, 'uh oh, better back off', suddenly she's knocked back, .... she sits up 'now I am really pissed off' she says, and gets up, 'I don't think you should interfere, he's got this?'.

He holds onto my breasts, he brings one into his mouth, I grip his hair, I suddenly yank his head back, 'how do I know I can trust you?' 'do you believe all of the rumours?, I can teach you, we aren't mindless beasts, we're just better in bed?', 'is that so?' I say, he lifts me up.

The bed starts moving rapidly, the guy gets off, 'god damn?' he says, 'how about I tell you the truth?, ....', his body start fading, 'what's happening?', 'you are the one who is asleep' I whisper before knocking him back, and he suddenly wakes up, so do I, Anthony was so scared, he looks around, he looks around, ... 'what?, are you okay?' a girl asks, 'what happened?' ... 'she said, .. something?' 'what?' one of them ask, 'she said?, she wasn't the one asleep, ... I was?' he says, 'what are you talking about?' .... 'like we were the ones, trapped, imprisoned, .... think about it?, we can't breed?, we don't feel real hunger?, ... we're dreaming?, we die going out of our boundaries?' 'we signed a agreement?' one of them say, he gets out of the bed, 'mmm-hmm, what makes you think a witch can create a island?, and make a force field that'd kill us?' 'so?, what now?' .... 'I think Roxanne can wake us up?' 'seriously?' 'think about it, they wanted us all here, if someone was on the outside?, we could get woken up?' .... 'you don't sound insane?, but she don't like us?' .... 'she was raised by humans?, she doesn't fuck randomly?' 'so, she likes you?' .... he fixes his pants, 'we've been wearing the same clothes for years, ... what's the bet, we trash our clothes, next morning, they'd be on us and fine?' he says, some test the theory, and have a mad orgy, it'll be tested in the morning, walking around naked isn't something they've tried yet.

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