Settling/Final Chapter

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I bring Luca back to these coordinats which is where he and the pack are meeting, it's a sort of old burned down house?, 'you going to be okay?' 'yeah?' Luca says, acting all tough, I come over, 'why do you have to act all fucking tough all the time?' I ask, he looks at me .... 'cause?, .... I'm a animal, high in the food chain, I don't show any weaknesses' he says, making it very clear, 'huh?' I say .... 'what now-?', I kiss him, his eyes widen, 'I kind of like your animal?' I say, he kisses me back, his arms move around me, 'mmmm' he brings me against a tree, I whimper.

The pack arrive, the money and ID's are there, Luca jogs over, I am gone, 'you beat us here?' 'I don't mess around' Luca says, Hank nods, he has begun to heal, but he still is rather weak, they don't know if they could settle again, be how they were, try create "peace" between them and other packs, try be equals like they once tried, or will there be "war" once more.

I go to my property, my fences are up, and my water tanks are half full, I get to work, I make a zoning area for my water, I go to a back corner, lay down concrete, use heavy machinery and move the water tanks, I put a wire fence around it, and I make pips to my new home, it's basement is about to be dug, but it was too muddy, I lay sand around the water tanks, cause the hot sun out here will melt the water tanks into the ground.

I am going to have a personal water system, and I want beautiful green grass, so I'll lay seed down when my house is built, lay down trees and plants, my new house is going to be big, don't know why, but I happen to have a lot of space to fill, I am paying extra for men to come in everyday, but not on raining days, that is a holiday, and I can't wait to see how long this place will last me, who knows maybe it'll be home for me?, but I am deffinitely having AC, it's going to have 10 solar panels powering 2 sets of AC's, all my water tanks are becoming quite useful, it rains a lot in July here, I may have had to extend my water tanks to 6 just to be safe, and don't want to miss a drop of this rain.

Fingers crossed that this is the place for me, I have paid the price for sure, the pain I have felt no one should even have to feel that within 3 lifetimes, I have had enough and I just want everything to be better, I certainly deserve it.


Final Chapter!, Allison is settling into a new place, obviously having a great start, good luck to her and her future endevours.

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