With a heavy heart

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I am being released from hospital, my children died offically 6 months ago, I am now 21 years old, as of 9 days ago, I was inject with some stuff, I will need to take pills and shots til I completely calm down, Anthony carries me, I am 100% paralysed, he has me in a craddle, my hair is slightly smaller, and Anthony has given me a couple bubble baths, though I was cussing at him the entire time, he was still enjoying himself, he didn't make a move on me, I will be talking to the doctor, he will make visits, and keep a eye on me.

Anthony brings me inside, he changed everything, he put my children's things in his basement, in boxes, he brings me up into his room, he lays me on the bed, 'you hungry?' ... 'I don't eat' I say, 'of course you don't', ... 'you think I'm broken?' I say, he kisses my forehead, 'you want anything?' 'funny?, like you care?', he normally would get angry, but considering how much I've been through, he wants to be more careful, a little more fragile with me, cause he did take my children from me.

He had to pop out, but I will paralysed for a couple more hours and I fell asleep before he left, he goes to a pack meeting, 'you know your mate?, ... she may be more like you than you think?' one of the wolves say, 'what are you talking about?' 'when she was in college she punched her friend, almost killed her with a single punch, and she was human at the time, ... then when she was human she made a girl throw herself from a terrace, from a apartment, she just so happens to own, she also has money, tons of it, she is going for numerous degrees, cooking, art and law, she's a straight A, student, and the excuse we gave about her father dying, and her children in a car accident, has to be dealt with, cause they want to talk to her, cause her grades fell way behind, if she wants to keep her future?, if she is really driven, she will pick herself up?' a wolf says, Anthony thinks about it, that's a idea, 'also?, she gave me a copied video she has of her knocking that girl out, want to see?' the wolf says, 'yeah?' Anthony says, they turn up the sound.

"look I'm sorry'" Carmen says, "oh your about to be" I say, "is that a threat?, bitch, you ain't got nothing on me?" "nothing?" I say, like it's a joke, I step forward, Carmen steps back, my fist hits her face!, she hits the ground hard, she's knocked out, "damn?, Roxanne?" Becky gets up, she then coughs, "are you fucking insane?" Carmen says, "how's that taste you stupid bitch?" I say, "whoa?" James says, "like touching what isn't yours?" I say, and I kick her stomach!, "Jesus!" they cover their mouth, "Roxanne, walk away" Becky says, she's of course frightened, I look down at her, I kneel down, "listen, ever threaten me like that, or touch what doesn't belong to you?, I'll kill you, ... pack your shit, and get the fuck out of my apartment" I whisper, the video stops.

Anthony didn't expect it, I looked so young in the video, but I definitely have the same kind of temper, 'but she was possessive of her ex-?' Anthony says.

He gets back, he got the video, so when he shows me, 'want to explain some things?' he asks, I pretend to cough, he knows I'm hiding something, 'Roxanne', ... 'also I got some other news for you, ... your grades have dropped, they want to talk to you, if you want to keep that "scholarship", keep what you worked hard for, you will have some work to do' he says, and strokes my hair, oh my god!, I completely forgot.

Anthony is staying home with me tomorrow and helping me with my school work, 10 assignments!, 4 cooking assignments!, 9 Art pieces, I need to video most of it, I wake up, Anthony made me sleep in his bed, apparently he couldn't sleep unless he was at the hospital.

I wanted to start early, cause I literally only have like a week before the semester is over, I have a check list on what I need to do, I want to start with cooking, I get the camera, set it up, wait!, I need to look not like death, I shower, my things are still in my room, Anthony hadn't gotten to me room, I can just smell my kids in here, I did breast feed them, I'd fill their bottles with breast milk, so I could feed more than 1 at a time, I shower, put my hair up, I put on suitable clothes for cooking, a black short sleeve and denim shorts, I use some liquid foundation, then eye shadow, a little lip calm, and I need to make, croissants, chocolate Éclairs, Sushi and pizza, all from scratch, Anthony wakes up, bed is empty next to him, he immediantly panics, he comes downstairs to me making pizza, 'morning' I say to him, then point out the camera, 'started early?' he says, 'I'd like to not talk too much?, ... pizza for breakfast?' I say, I am a whole lot better than yesterday, I even look a whole lot better, he's in boxers, so he'll watch, I get him a bottle of water and toss it to him, he's just going to keep a eye on me, I was just waiting for the pizza to cook when he came in, I was cleaning up, as he came downstairs, I have a apron on, the oven dings, fingers crossed I do not have to restart, I grab the oven mitt, pull out the tray, I sit the tray on the counter, close and turn off the oven, I get Anthony to bring the camera over, 'what is in that?' he asks, 'egg, bacon, cheese, sauce', I cut it up, evenly cut, it's perfect!, 'and cut' I say, he looks then presses the button for the video to stop, I grab a plate for me, I pull off 3 slices, I'm starving, Anthony figured why not?, since I'm eating it, it's got to be safe?, though I was going to commit suicide?, but I look a whole lot better.

Not bad, but I have so much more I need to do, I need to drawer a animal, that I find, I need to drawer and design a room, all 3d and realistic, so I need to go out, but there is no way Anthony is allowing that, 'I need to drawer a animal, that I find' 'seriously?' he says, I nod, 'how about you draw any animal?' 'no, won't get same detail?' 'I'm not letting a dog, bird, fish or cat into my house' he says, I give him a look, 'thought you were going to be nice to me?' ... 'seriously?, can't you fail this one assignment?' ... 'alright then?, drop your pants' I say, now he's giving me a "are you for real look?", 'I need to draw a body part' 'and your choosing my dick?' 'I'm limited on creation, and I'm not staring at myself in the mirror, gives me a head ache, so drop your pants, get comfortable, and you better not have pubes' I say, 'you know, I should charge you for this?' 'your a prostitute?' I say, he unzips his jeans, he lays back on his couch, I get a seat, and prepare my paper, have 3 sharpened pieces of paper, down come his boxers, holy shit, I hide my surprising expression, turns out he is the farthest from small, if he was naked, his dick would be down to his thighs!, like a elephant trunk?, Jesus!, I move my hair from my face and I begin the outline, I always start with the background, he has a near tattoo near his waist?, there is a skull just above his right hip, kind of on his side, he relaxes, I begin to drawer, I will need to do a lot of shading, he wouldn't let me have the curtains on, so there is a lot of shading, especially for that skull.

1 hour and 27 minutes later, I finish, but he doesn't know that, I get up from the seat, he has been staring at me the entire time, I have been thinking about some things, and this is his chance to prove if he wants me to be happy, ... I kneel down, 'Anthony' I say, 'yes?' he says, I wouldn't let him have the TV on, cause the noise would have distracted me, .... I stroke my finger along his dick, looks so much better when it's hard, ... 'hear me out' I say, of course he is going to, .... 'I want a baby' I say, that took him way by surprise, ... 'I miss it, ... I want someone to wake me up in the middle of the night, someone to bond with, to have that gorgeous little smile, and that laugh, ... considering you robbed me of it, I need you to attempt to replace what I had' I say, ... he knows I'm serious about this, 'you sure?' he says, I nod, I miss being a mother so much!.

He sits up, 'okay?' he says, he gets up, and holds my hand, not bothering bringing up his pants, I jump up, he holds me, my legs move around me, and up to his bedroom we go, he lays me on the bed, he kisses me, just as I remember it, soft, he's going to go soft for me, he knows I'm not ready for anything intense, having a child, especially his "heir", is a pretty big deal, but he can tell it will be something that will make me feel better, heal me, and maybe bring us closer together, he gets up, removes his shoes, jeans, and boxers, I lay on the bed, he hooks his fingers in my shorts and under and tugs it down my legs, pulling me forward a little, I didn't even put shoes on, I've been wearing socks, this isn't the first time he's seeing me naked, since he gave me a bubble bath 4 days a week, he kisses my inner thigh, he slides his hands up my silk like sides, and pushes my shirt up, and he gently has his lips against my skin, and drags his lower lip up my stomach, I sit up a little and off comes my shirt, a single snap and he was removing my bra, he kisses the top of my breasts, he's going slow and I appreciate that, he brings his body up further, to A-line his hips with mine, he rubs his tip against my entrance, he kisses my neck, I suddenly gasp!, his teeth sink into my neck, okay?, did not expect that, I suddenly gripped onto his sides, he sucks on my neck, til I find myself moaning, 'now, you are mine' he says, oh right, now I remember, he has to mark me before fucking me, I prepare myself, just before he is jabbing himself in, only one word for my reaction.



Roxanne and Anthony are getting closer by making a baby!, will it heal her?, is he eventually going to let her in on his life?, is he always going to feel like he needs to control everything about her?.

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